@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Marner et les Maple Leafs ne sont pas encore près d’obtenir une prolongation

La partie qui m’a sauté aux yeux est la suivante : « Du point de vue de l’organisation, on se rend compte que Marner va être à nouveau payé, et qu’il va être bien payé », a déclaré Dreger.

Cela dit, Marner gagne déjà 10,903 millions de dollars sous le plafond salarial cette saison, disons 11 millions de dollars.

Est-ce que quelqu’un pense qu’il va réellement obtenir une augmentation significative de la part des Leafs ? Peut-être une légère augmentation d’un million de dollars, mais j’aurais du mal à lui donner plus de 12 millions de dollars par an.




  1. I’m hesitant to trust anything Dreger says about Marner

  2. Distinct_Might7580

    He has done nothing to earn more then Nylander, who was arguably playing above his value these last few years.

  3. Dreger and campaigning for Marner’s bag, name a more iconic duo.

    Seriously though, he’s going to get paid more than he is right now. I’m not going to be shocked he stays here with John’s contract ending. This is going to be non stop all year though and I’m already tired of hearing about it.

  4. pimpdaddy69ca

    You realize thet Dreger is Marner’s mouth piece right? that said if they pay him any more than 10.8 they’re fucking nuts.

    Edit: 10.8 and no letter

  5. Sarge1387

    He’s not getting Matthews money. At best he’ll get what Nylander got.

  6. EcstaticHelicopter

    Wipe your chin off before you “stated this Dreger?” Look, Mitch is a great player, deserves to get his bag, but the public negotiating is really toxic for an already sociopathic fan base. Dreger is obviously a tainted source and his opinion is worth the same as the toilet paper I flushed this morning…

  7. robin6765

    This sub is whack. Marner’s going to get $12-13.5M/y on a max length contract, whether from the Leafs or elsewhere. A top-scoring winger who is also a top penalty killer, in his prime years, with a rising salary cap, is gonna get paid. Is Draisaitl the best player in the NHL? Of course not, but the economics are changing and he got paid. Marner will get paid too.

    But yes, never believe a word from Dreger – I’ve never forgiven him for shamelessly carrying management water during the lockout.

  8. BryanMccabe

    Put him in the gulag until he comes out with a trade list

  9. He’s not a bad player, def needs better pr training.

    Imagine his salary being put to use on a #1 d man. We can certainly afford to give away some offence to offset our historically average to poor back end. We def put all our eggs in one basket and have failed repeatedly. Why do the exact same thing again?

    It doesn’t matter if Marner does well for another team. As long as we can improve by filling other holes on the roster.

    I have confidence in nylander and other players stepping up to fill in the creative void.

  10. I wouldn’t give him more than 11m. He can leave. He fleeced us on the last deal, so he wasn’t underpaid at any point in his last contract.

  11. Ratjar142

    I’ve been Marner’s biggest fan, through the good and the bad. But he cannot get a big raise here. He is already overpaid for what his brings to the table. In a just world he’d resign for his current salary at 8 years and apologize for it. 

  12. Strangle1441

    He has simply lived up to his contract, even if barely. Marner has done nothing to earn a bigger AAV than he currently has.

    If he wants to get paid again, let the man walk

  13. You can’t pay somebody 12 million when he literally cannot shoot the puck. I am so tired of seeing the other teams penalty kill sag off of this guy knowing he shoots the puck like a peewee player and instead overload on Matthews. It’s always worse and more evident come playoff time also cuz , well you are actually facing good teams who are putting in 100% effort

  14. OG_anunoby3

    If he agrees to not have a No Movement Clause, give him the money. Worry about the rest later. At worst he is a good trade chip long term. Gotta avoid giving everyone those NMC.

  15. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    I’d like to see him directly affect a critical goal in an elimination game of the playoffs. And not in the way he did on Pastrnak’s this past year 

    With Johnny coming off the books, extending Mitch isn’t the worst thing you can do. But he needs to show more in the big moments, not wilt under the pressure. 

    I hope he can, because it will mean success for the Leafs. But if all I have to go on is the track record, it ain’t looking promising.

  16. Can someone educate me on why Darren Dreger can’t be trusted, especially with Mitch Marner news ?

  17. Counterkiller29

    Marner has more PPG than Nylander does, both in the regular season and in the playoffs. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, we will regret letting him walk, especially if the difference between what we think is acceptable and what he wants is <$1-1.5M/season.

    And to all of you that say his regular season PPG means nothing: you need to actually win games in the regular season to make it to the playoffs. I see a lot of you forget that. I’m not saying Marner is going to be the difference between making and not making the playoffs, but to act like his regular season production means nothing is completely wrong.

  18. mgnorthcott

    If we say no to Marner, we can easily say yes to McDavid down the road.

  19. TiredReader87

    Good. Stop rewarding mediocrity and poor effort.

  20. My thoughts are that Dreger is a well-known mouthpiece for the Marner camp, so nothing he says matters.

  21. Falconflyer75

    Honestly that’s fine wait till the season ends and decide then

    If he does well extend him if he doesn’t get a few depth guys and wish him well

    We have a natural off-ramp here

  22. I think Marner gets 12M. Sort of the middle point between Nylander and Matthews contract.

  23. JackRyan8888

    Let him play out the contract. If somehow Leafs win the Cup and Marner plays a key role and drives up his market value, SO BE IT.

    Assess this after next season ends.

  24. spentchicken

    This wouldn’t be a conversation if this core had managed to win more than 1 playoff series.

    The structure of 4 high end guys making all this cash hasn’t panned out and right now both jt (rightly so due to age) and marner, are the odd men out.

    If they manage to go on a deep run this year sure explore the option of signing marner and jt (to a much smaller number and years). If not use that cap space to flesh out the roster.

  25. CoupleScrewsLoose

    we can’t afford him after giving Will the sun and the moon, it’s like Brad learned nothing from previous management’s mistakes. that cap space needs to go toward a middle 6 center and another *real* top 4 dman next offseason. i’m still nowhere near convinced by our blueline despite signing 35 year old chris tanev and overpaying for oel.

  26. IndependenceGood1835

    If the leafs want mcDavid they cant sign Marner. Will be interesting.

  27. toedragrelease

    If marner gets more than Pasta I might have a stroke.

  28. Current-Own

    Doesn’t bother me if he ever signs. We can get two pretty decent players for his salary. Or one very good defenceman. I try really hard but i just can’t buy into Marner’s personality. He has become my different colored sheep. Lol (gotta watch myself).

  29. DummyThlck

    There is no situation where it makes sense for him to be paid more than Willy.

  30. rollingdownthestreet

    Mr. Choke shouldn’t still be wearing the blue and white unless he’s going to give a big home team discount.

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