@Flames de Calgary

Éloge funèbre de Meredith Gaudreau

« Il est une flamme éternelle, et j’en suis très fier. »


  1. Dooomt care just cos the dude was a big name in hockey you morons care
    But you morons don't care about all the other people who have perished from drinking and driving

  2. Wow Meredith,
    That Was Beautifully Said!!!
    Thank you for sharing some of your most intimate stories. Hands down one of the most heartfelt Eulogies I’ve ever heard, brought me to tears…

  3. All flames hearts are with you today…beautifully said …so sorry for you and the gaudreaus…hockey will never be the same but neithwr will our lives…they have left a huge void but we will press on in their memory and honour them by doing good in this world….RIP

  4. yw merideth and the rest of the gaudrow family I grew up near Trenton nj followed hockey most of my life Johnny was a breath of fresh air

  5. As an Oilers fan Johnny was my fav player on the flames and always the biggest threat during the battle of Alberta games. RIP and condolences to the family

  6. I cannot Even begin to imagine what their sister is going through right now. Unfortunately this is The world we live in. Happiness can turn into anger and bitterness in The blink of an eye.

  7. Meredith, such a heartfelt and heartbreaking tribute to your husband. I’m actually crying as a type this out. Through Meredith words, I got a little slice of who John was as a person, also a little slice of who his brother Matthew was too.
    My condolences to the whole Goudreau family.

  8. Man..I felt so distraught when I heard the news of the boys deaths…I can't fathom how much the Johnny and Matthew family are hurting…God's love shared with you all from ontario canada

  9. When tomorrow starts without me
    And I'm not here to see
    If the sun should rise and find your eyes
    Are filled with tears for me
    I wish so much you wouldn't cry
    The way you did today
    While thinking of the many things
    We didn't get to say
    I know how much you love me
    As much as I love you
    And each time you think of me
    I know you'll miss me too
    But when tomorrow starts without me
    Please try to understand
    That an angel came and called my name
    And took me by the hand
    And said my place was ready
    In Heaven far above
    And that I'd have to leave behind
    All those I dearly love
    But when I walked through Heaven's gate
    I felt so much at home
    When God looked down and smiled at me
    From His great golden throne
    He said this is eternity And all I promised you
    Today your life on earth is past
    But here it starts anew
    I promise no tomorrow
    For today will always last
    And since each day's the same way
    There's no longing for the past
    So when tomorrow starts without me
    Don't think we're far apart
    For every time you think of me
    I'm right here in your heart

    – David M. Romano

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