@Kraken de Seattle

[Elliotte Friedman] L’extension du contrat d’Adam Larsson avec Seattle coûtera 4×5,25 millions de dollars une fois finalisée.

[Elliotte Friedman] L’extension du contrat d’Adam Larsson avec Seattle coûtera 4×5,25 millions de dollars une fois finalisée.



  1. alienbanter

    I love that Dunn was the first to tease this 😂 Woohoo!!!!

  2. Antilock049

    That seems like a super good price tbh. Stoked on it. More Big Cat!

  3. tonytanti

    Beauty, the top four looks good. I wonder how this affects Borgen. He might not want to be stuck as the 3rd RD. Either way I dig this for the Kraken

  4. Jumpy_Assistance5848

    The iron man has earned it.


  5. The mods are really tagging Friedman with “rumor”? That’s as good as announced by the team.

  6. surfingeagles

    I dig it. You can tell last year that this team loves him so I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s captain.

  7. canuckinseattle

    Hate to be a contrarian But I don’t understand the plan.

    I’m a Larsson fan, but I’m a bigger Kraken fan first. Why not flip Larsson for valuable assets and groom Borgen for a top-4 role?

    We are literally maxed-out against the cap after this signing, and we’re a fringe playoff team at best.

    Let’s all be honest here, we are not entering a contention window. We are in the mushy middle, which is quite possibly the worst place to be in the nhl.

  8. First-Radish727

    I assume Larsson will be named the next C now as well

  9. BayAreaKrakHead

    Love this move but teams know we are over the cap going into next year. Getting value back on trades won’t be as high now. Wish we would have made trades to already have that space next year. However with all that said, I’m pumped to have Larsson here for another 4 years. Guy needs to retire a Kraken. Long live Mufasa!

  10. canuckinseattle

    As usual, any post offering critical, rational, thoughtful analysis is downvoted. 🤷

  11. SoloGhosts512

    Kraken probably didn’t want to report this today out of respect for Johnny Gaudreau similar to Edmonton and Draisaitl. Not cool on Friedman if that’s the case

  12. A_crackinthecup

    Umm it’s great but where are they getting this money from?? I thought Beniers contract put them at or near the cap?

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