@Canucks de Vancouver

Écrans de verrouillage des Canucks 2024

J’espère que ces messages parviendront aux bonnes personnes 👍🏼



  1. Striking_Economy5049

    Garly, standing tall, just above the dasher

  2. julesieee

    That is one of my favourite Garland pics of last season 😍

  3. Analytical-BrainiaC

    Game one Nashville. This one speaks to me as yelling HERE WE GO….. GO CANUCKS GO… Tsunami of anticipation… and a series that did not disappoint!

  4. Alternative-Beyond46

    I don’t know why people would idolize others on their Home Screen that don’t care about them back. So cringey🤮😂grow up. No canucks player gaf about your existence

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