@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nouvelles et discussions sur les échanges des Maple Leafs! (9 septembre 2024)

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  1. How is it that the guy with the most playoff points and the best defencive stats in the playoffs is concidered a poor playoff performer? Maybe because a lot of Leaf fans know nothing about hockey and the media fans the flames of the vocal minority. Pathetic.

  2. This isn’t a question of Leafs giving up on Nick Robertson like the other players you mentioned, Mason Marchment being a good example. The guy wants to leave! If he wants to leave then let him leave! Not a good idea to keep someone who doesn’t want to stay here. Dubas tried that with Ilya Makeyev and that didn’t work out. Up until Tyler Bertuzzi left I didn’t blame Robertson for wanting to leave because there was no room for him on a permanent line. But now that Bert is gone there is. Yet Robertson still wants to leave. So get rid of him.

  3. Lets keep extending the same 5 core guys who in 8+ seasons cant get it done lol and they will keep giving them NMC too 😂

  4. Marner is overpaid now. Never played a full season, never had over 100 points, soft in the playoffs, totally a perimator player. He's nowhere close to Draisaitl as a matchup or comparison. He needs to be let go simply for the cap flex you get. Edm is going to make the same mistake as the Leafs only it will be 3 players instead of 4 Leo just got 14, McJesus is going to want min 16 mil. Bouchard is going to be looking at 10mil You can't win with a team like that, Leafs have proven it.

  5. My back is also messed and fighting a head cold off with fever and so on. Horrible pain in my left shoulder going down into my mid back and left arm.

  6. Nick is a small skilled guy, is that what they NEED for a playoff run? I think give him a shot, and if he scores 20+ a season, then he becomes a valuable asset for future trades.

  7. All Marner's points come in on games 1 thru 4, games 5 thru 7 he is a ghost, giveaways are his biggest disapointment, just look how he covered pasta in OT on the winning goal he didnt even pay attention too him, no wonder why we keep losing game 7's.

  8. I know exactly how you feel with the back pain, in 1994 I crushed 4 discs in my lower back. I was paralyzed from the waist down for 3 months and the doctors told me that I was never gonna walk again. They did surgery to try and repair it but there was so much damage done to the nerves that they were unable to take away my pain. I had to learn how to walk again, it was a struggle, but I did it after 2 long years. I was only 24 years old at the time, and I had a 6 month old baby boy at the time, so for a year and a half my wife had to care for our son by herself. I am happy to say that after 31 years, I am still walking, and working, granted I still have bad days but more good than bad. 😊

  9. They should have signed Robertson and given whatever pennies are left to Liljegren instead of doing it the other way around. Robertson's 20+ goals are going to be way more valuable than whatever Liljegren is going to do when he's not getting scratched.

  10. Roberson is a decent player. but you can't just say if he plays with toronto best players he'll score. who wouldn't . Its everything else about his game that sucks.

  11. Feel for you brother. But when Jarncrock is in this line up instead of Robertson, I cringe. If Marner resigns , he's getting 12 mi.

  12. Marner probably wants 15M x 8. Just give it to him, don't argue. He's maybe a bit quiet in the playoffs, but he helps them get into the playoffs, which helps the Leaf's revenue numbers, and that's the important thing.

  13. I just went back to work last Monday due to a or a few herniated discs. The summer was a right off and I was off work for almost 4 months. The first two months were a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

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