@Devils du New Jersey

Potentiel remplaçant d’Erika (par Dan Rice sur Twitter)

Potentiel remplaçant d’Erika (par Dan Rice sur Twitter)



  1. CavCord141

    Her instagram account indicates she’s a former hockey player. Hopefully she can bring some very knowledgeable insights from the host position.

  2. LaHondaSkyline

    Not a NJ accent. Midwest accent. This means the Devils franchise is being moved to Milwaukee….

  3. PBRstreetgang_

    Remember folks, she’s not the reason msg moved on from Ericka. Let’s give her a warm welcome! Excited to hear her analysis

  4. nostradamefrus

    Better than the fanduel peddler in pregame. Still, not Erika 🙁

  5. Exciting! Really looking forward to her joining the team based on that reel if she is indeed the selection!

    Specifically, I enjoyed how she was interviewing/presenting players, coaches, etc. during/after games. She sounds smart, sharp, and clear in quickly and easily articulating what she is trying to say.

    Looking forward to see how she would gel with the rest of the broadcast team, especially Sal of course.

    *(I shouldn’t have to say this but I will: none of this is a comparison or slight against Erika, who was also very good!)*

  6. xxfatpigxx

    Her most recent Instagram post from a week ago is a farewell to her job reporter job North Dakota and among her followers now are the Devils team photographer and Bill Spaulding, so it seems like she’s got the job.

    However as others have said here don’t be like some of the people commenting on her posts saying they already don’t like her because she’s not Erika. She had nothing to do with the change MSG Networks chose to make and if you have any grievances take it up with the network not the broadcasters.

  7. Booooooo. I’m not going to hold this against this new lady – I’m sure she’ll be great – but I’m not going to forgive MSG either

  8. CatchMeWritinQWERTY

    Do you all you thirsty dudes think Erika was actually that good at her job? She was nice and all, but she always seemed uncomfortable just putting together a normal question and fumbled her words a lot. I think she got much better over time, but come on y’all.

    Now Deb, on the other hand, was actually a great reporter and interviewer and charming to boot.

    This woman seems pretty impressive as well. Excited to actually enjoy listening to the broadcasts again.

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