@Devils du New Jersey

Grille des joueurs des Devils | Le pire gardien de but

Je le fais un peu tôt parce que je ne pourrai probablement pas le faire plus tard, mais Ken gagnait de manière convaincante. M. Diable doit simplement être sur le plateau.

De plus, le floutage de Kovi n’était qu’une blague que j’avais en tête spécifiquement pour le dernier article, mais cela avait l’air bien pire que prévu puisque McLeod était également là, donc c’était un aspect horrible. Personne n’est réellement flouté de façon permanente, je veux juste que la grille ait l’air normale, c’était juste quelque chose que je trouvais humoristique mais j’ai juste oublié qu’une personne vraiment déplorable était également sur le graphique.

Détendez-vous sur Vitek aujourd’hui les gars.



  1. dog_fantastic

    No way it’s Vitek

    Even in recent memory, Hammond was way worse.

    Technically Hannu Kamppuri had worse SV% and GAA while playing nearly double the number of games

    But it’s still gotta be Hammond

  2. I vote Aaron Dell because he’s a bad goalie and a POS person

  3. nsfwITGUY19

    Vitek doesn’t even belong in this conversation. Yeah he didn’t have a great 23. Nobody did. He was fantastic the year before.

  4. Killamaniax

    Jon Gillies had better numbers than some of the goalies we used in 21-22, but I’m saying it’s him because of how defeated I felt every time he was starting (and his numbers were also dogshit)

  5. nsfwITGUY19

    Do we pick one of the goalies that never amounted to anything? The trades that were going to “save us” then the guy retires?

    Blackwood was pretty bad during his tenure here imo. But he also had a bad team in front of him most of the time.

  6. kellsbells0513

    Does Akira schmid after the rangers series count?

  7. SomethingFoul

    I love the guy, and he was on some truly awful teams as our very first starter in NJ, but it’s gotta be Chico. The guy was lucky to post a GAA below 4, and his save pct never saw the 0.9s while he was with the franchise.

  8. sparrow0422

    Jon Gillies by a mile . He was the worst goalie I’ve ever seen play in the NHL.

  9. HockeyGoalieEh

    Craig Billington – 111 games played, an .866 save percentage, 3.99 GAA, -45.3 GSAA. Happy birthday, Craig!

  10. fartswhenhappy

    The answer to this is Jeff Reese.

    He only played three games for us in ’96, but he gave up 6 and 4 goals on 26 and 25 shots faced in his two starts, and 3 goals on 14 shots in one relief appearance. That gave him a Devils career stat line of an 0-2 record with a .800 save percentage and 5.62 GAA.

  11. JimmyFeetWorld

    I didn’t realize Craig Billington was such ass until I looked at his numbers. I remember him having a good stretch. It’s his birthday so I’ll give him a pass and go with Louis Domingue.

  12. mustachiolong

    We got Gillies for free and he still somehow disappointed.

  13. Marty lost 394 games and gave up over 2700 goals as a Devil. It’s gotta be him!

  14. pretzelogically

    Come on guys, Dano? I mean sure he had zero clue where it was going but he could hit a pretty hard slapper.

  15. DawgMutt05

    Ron Low was a mess. Was the starter for the entire Mickey Mouse game and wasn’t even pulled. Played on many bad teams and has a career record like a hundred games under .500 at something like 105-200. Something like that. Poor guy lol

  16. the_tattooed_bear

    If the worst goalie is not Keith Kincaid I will block you on Twitter.

  17. MasVonBoxen

    Gillies took a piece of my soul as a goalie. Watching the butchery of the position when he played left me feeling less in love with playing the position.

  18. bornofpain2001

    Hammond and Gillies deserve to be on here together

  19. MountainBaker8217

    Let’s not say Crawford guys. He revealed recently why he retired and how he had to retire for his mental health and issues with medications and how much he did want to play with us but just couldn’t.

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