@Devils du New Jersey

[Devils] Luke a subi une blessure à l’épaule gauche plus tôt ce mois-ci lors d’un entraînement hors saison. Après examen par le personnel médical du New Jersey, il a été déterminé qu’il n’aura pas besoin d’une intervention chirurgicale. Le temps de récupération est d’environ 6 à 8 semaines. Il est dans le New Jersey pour un traitement et une thérapie physique.

[Devils] Luke a subi une blessure à l’épaule gauche plus tôt ce mois-ci lors d’un entraînement hors saison. Après examen par le personnel médical du New Jersey, il a été déterminé qu’il n’aura pas besoin d’une intervention chirurgicale. Le temps de récupération est d’environ 6 à 8 semaines. Il est dans le New Jersey pour un traitement et une thérapie physique.



  1. FriedCammalleri23

    someone please protect the Hughes’s shoulders

  2. Sucks he won’t be around on opening night. Beyond that, it is concerning due to how important it is that we start the season off getting ahead so that we’re not constantly trying to play catch-up later on.

    But, the silver lining is it sounds like he’ll only miss about 2-4 weeks of the actual season. Could have been much worse.

  3. coldplayappreciation

    it is so fucking exhausting supporting this team dude

  4. Fuckkkkk

    EA sports curse strikes in record time. At least it’s early in the year so we can get a look at other D. The dream would be for us to get a hot start so he doesn’t rush back and is fresher for playoffs.

  5. NeatureNature

    A+ sleuthing to the person who posted that pic of him in the sling 

  6. hypernova13

    It’s officially the start of our season today. A devil has been injured

  7. crispy21

    Knew this shit the second they were on the cover..

  8. TeamCrimsonRed

    Welcome Kovacevic to the opening night roster…

  9. Lmao so they wouldnt have said shit for a while had he not been spotted at the Michigan game? Totally tracks, remember how they totally hid that Nico injury, among others?

    That said, not really concerned. This team has D Depth now. Hatakka is hungry for a spot, so now he gets a chance to get some NHL games where I just didnt see it happening with everyone healthy.

    PS: There is no EA curse, especially if you look how the players did during their cover years.

  10. omnomnomnium

    Last season:
    Neutral transfer season, blessed preseason, cursed season.

    This season:
    Good transfer season, cursed preseason, ????.

  11. jrodvog148

    And Devils are still silent about Nemec. Casey and Hatakka to start the season on the roster? Maybe Misyul or Vilen?

  12. xxfatpigxx

    So maybe like end of October Luke will get to make his season debut then based on that time line.

  13. Clearly they needed to say something after that picture of him was made public

  14. atoms12123

    Jim and Ellen should have put more skill points into shoulders.

  15. Does Quinn have a glass shoulder too or is just our Hugheses?

  16. 420yoloswagepicjesus

    Casey would have to have an incredible camp to make the roster. The devils actually have some defensive depth.

  17. its_jreis

    Hopefully this is just Luke diving on the EA Sports curse hand grenade to save his brothers.

  18. mustachiolong

    Dougie, Siegs, Pesce, and Dillon are a good enough 4/6 to last until Nemec and Luke are 100%. We have enough depth with everyone else to fill the last 2 spots. Fitzy played it real smart this off season.

  19. TheNightRain68

    Well that sucks but thankfully we added a bunch of D depth to this team for this exact scenario. From the sounds of it he’s at worst going to be out until late October

  20. Kornja81

    Blast this medical and conditioning staff into the abyss.

  21. LaHondaSkyline

    This has a very strong Yoenis Cespedes vibe to it…

  22. LaHondaSkyline

    Season ending shoulder surgery to be announced on Dec 15th. I am calling it now…

  23. thedirewolff21

    Obviously sucks but we have the depth to survive i just hope Nemo is also ok. Imagine Casey forces himself on the team in camp. Unlikely but at least there is good comp.

  24. Harrisonmonopoly

    Atleast they announced something. That’s different.

  25. gleeson630

    I remember long ago I criticized the devils for stuff like this. Way back when it was becoming a trend and we were underselling or lying ab injuries to keep guys out when we were tanking. I was told stuff like fans don’t need to know, it’s their medical information, just gaslighted at that point in time.

    This team doesn’t like to give it to us straight ab injuries that might affect ticket sales or something. I get it’s better to say less in most situations, but they take it to an extreme, guys like Palat or Nico come to mind. I could galaxy brain and say maybe Luke did something dumb, which I’m gonna assume he didn’t do. But yeah, I’m worried ab some of these guys fragility and starting up an injury history, getting through a playoff round might hard.

    We’re gonna start out with Kovacevic and Hatakka and we’ll see how that works. Im not in love with both Nemec and Hughes coming in after season off injuries and replacing those style dmen mid season with two offensive guys. Obviously you play them immediately but that’s gonna change the whole team dynamic immediately.

    If Dawgson doesn’t get his ass here, we’re missing some talent at least on opening night.

  26. ElephantRedCar91

    God damn it the season hasn’t even started yet and a Hughes brother is already injured… what the fuck?!

  27. Let’s get all our injuries done before the season starts.

  28. Fatherless___Child

    The Hughes brothers vs Their shoulders at Wrestlemania.

    Book it

  29. DevilsElevated

    I’ll ask what won’t get answered – what kind of upper body training are the Devils doing that is injuring pecs and shoulders?

    Jack dislocated his shoulder a couple of years ago in game, but Dougie tore his pec probably on the bench press and now Luke with a shoulder injury that’ll never fully be disclosed how it happened.

    There are sophisticated alternatives to the straight bar that are lower risk of injury that allow them to still get stronger and don’t understand why those wouldn’t be used.

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