@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Masters] Le choix de premier tour des Leafs, Ben Danford, quitte la mêlée du camp des recrues des Leafs après avoir été gravement touché

Ben Danford a quitté la glace après avoir reçu un coup maladroit dans le coin lors d’une mêlée au camp des recrues des #Leafs.

Il semblerait que ce soit sa tête qui ait subi le plus gros du choc.



  1. Expire16

    I swear this happens every rookie camp with someone I like

  2. I know you’ve got to play hard but how is it every rookie camp someone gets injured? Surely this can be avoided in inter-team scrimmages…

  3. Sarge1387

    Well we needed someone to hit LTIR this year to continue the tradition…

    In all seriousness I really hope the kid’s ok. That looks like it was massive.

  4. pokemonplayer2001

    Rocking a teammate in an inter-squad game ranks up there with hitting your goalie in the head.

    Absolute idiocy.

  5. torontomaplebros

    One day I dream of them banning hitting altogether in hockey

  6. I swear I would just be cutting anyone on the spot if they are head hunting or being recklessly aggressive in a scrimmage. These dudes who just try to grit their way to a PTO or training camp never even make it there but injure a bunch of people in their wake.

  7. What’s the point of a skills camp when they always invite some bum with no skills to improve whatsoever, so all they do is try to hurt a good prospect in a scrimmage as if that’ll prove their toughness to get a deal

  8. re10pect

    Lots of people here wanting to kick a guy off of the squad or condemning this play without even seeing the hit or how the play developed.

    Hockey is a contact sport, and shit happens sometimes. Everyone is out there competing for very limited spots in the organization.

    If it turns out to be some dirty play, then we can get the pitchforks out, but injuries happen in hockey, so maybe let’s see the hit before judging.

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