@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Que signifient les ajouts de Pacioretty et Hakanpää pour les Maple Leafs?

Les Maple Leafs ont officiellement signé un contrat d’essai professionnel avec Max Pacioretty et un contrat d’un an avec le défenseur Jani Hakanpää. Mark Masters rejoint SportsCentre pour discuter de l’ajout des deux joueurs et de l’éventuelle incidence de la présence de Pacioretty sur les chances d’Easton Cowan de faire partie de l’équipe.


  1. Adding broken players way past their prime and possibly not even able to play , sounds like typical TML signings!
    Fire Shanahan ASAP this team is going down the drain every year more and more!
    Is this Run it Back 6.0 or 7.0?

  2. We can piss and moan all we want about bad signings or who fills out the lineup, solving what problems, but it's all irrelevant. The problem, the ONLY problem starts and ends with the 40+ million dollars dolled out to 4 players who are more concerned with contracts, ad revenues and Jersey sales than anything remotely close to winning a Stanley cup.

  3. Means the same as the OEL and Tanev additions. They're getting older and getting desperate. Another first round exit guaranteed.

  4. Shanahan and ownership are afraid to make tough decisions… a relfection of Toronto Culture. So here we go again….. another season of changing around the edges with purchases from the Bargain Harolds LTIR bin. First round exit for the fanbase that gets milked for the highest revenues in hockey coming up!

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