@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Di Marco] Si les Flyers envisagent d’explorer la voie du commerce avec le gardien de but Alexei Kolosov, il y a une poignée d’équipes qui seraient intéressées. Deux équipes qui, selon moi, pourraient susciter de l’intérêt sont Calgary et Nashville.

[Di Marco] Si les Flyers envisagent d’explorer la voie du commerce avec le gardien de but Alexei Kolosov, il y a une poignée d’équipes qui seraient intéressées. Deux équipes qui, selon moi, pourraient susciter de l’intérêt sont Calgary et Nashville.



  1. upcan845

    If the Flyers were to explore the trade route, this seems to suggest that it’s either not about homesickness or that a team is okay acquiring him just to loan him for another season.

    Not sure what is going on behind-the-scenes here. I doubt he’d be that valuable in a trade, which means I’d rather hope Kolosov turns things around instead of having a mid-round pick.

  2. Perryplat199

    Wouldn’t Nashville just be asking for askarov 2.0

  3. Diamondback424

    They shouldn’t trade him for pennies. Unless they get a reasonable return for him they should just hold on to him. I don’t know what kind of return he would command if he wasn’t holding out, but I don’t want to see them trade him for a 7th round pick.

  4. Steppyjim

    This is pure speculation. There hasn’t been any rumors or statements from the source the flyers would want to pursue a trade. Plus even if they did, you aren’t getting anything for him. Kolosov is a decent goalie prospect but he’s not worth anything more than a late pick at this stage in his career, especially with zero nhl experience and willingness to come over.

    I dunno why DiMarco is suggesting otherwise but until I see any league respected insider or direct team source confirming the flyers are shopping him this is just a big nothingburger.

  5. Neilpuck

    The Flyers have goaltenders in the pipeline. There’s no need to rush this decision. Let him spend a year or so over in Russia he’ll get some more experience in the Flyers can see what they really have before making a decision. They’re able to toll his contract just like they did with fedotov so there’s no risk of losing him to free agency yet.

  6. ykcin978

    So if we trade him, future draftee’s will think they can just dip if they want to? I’m I wrong?

  7. ThadTheImpalzord

    Fucccckkk that, this organization cannot allow 20yos to call the shots. Especially after Gauthier. Kolosov has barely made an effort yet, let this ride out. We have his rights for another what, 3 years? We should be in no hurry

  8. vinny8244

    Put him in a package with other assets
    and get a solid 1 or 2c

  9. TheWingus

    Nope. Either play where you signed or miss out. We’ll see how sought after you are after you sat a season because you didn’t get your way

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