@Avalanche du Colorado

Retour au match 2 de la finale de la Coupe 2022 lorsque Ball Arena a chanté collectivement All the Small Things

Retour au match 2 de la finale de la Coupe 2022 lorsque Ball Arena a chanté collectivement All the Small Things



  1. DomDomDom18

    Thanks for making me re-watch this clip for the millionth time, never gets old

  2. iconix88

    I was in this crowd. So incredibly grateful to have gotten to go to that game, most incredible game atmosphere I’ve ever been part of. Probably never get to see something like that again

  3. No_Possession_8585

    Such a good night! I’m ready for hockey…

  4. seoulera

    Having the Avs and Nuggets season end in one weekend was devastating but I’m so ready to be hurt again

  5. youmerelyadopteddark

    One of my favorite memories from that cup run was in game one, we blew a lead and it was 3-3 with like nine minutes left. The ball DJ said fuck it and played ATST anyway, and I think collectively it took the nervousness in the building down a notch.

  6. ShenaniganCity

    The boys ruined vasy that night and it was glorious!

  7. PotatorAid

    I thought there was a clip of the the crowd singing it all the way up to the next whistle, where the DJ continued the song where the crowd left off. Am I making that up?

  8. sleeplessaddict

    We were watching this game at Pumphouse up in Longmont for Father’s Day weekend and the environment in there was fucking wild. The entire place was packed and everyone in there exploded at every goal

  9. JanetaGoddess

    Game 2 of the 2022 Cup Finals was legendary. Still gives me chills thinking about it

  10. dillingerarms

    It’s the best. It never gets old. We should do it in every playoff game.

  11. cmdr_data22

    My wife and I were there, hammered and belting this one out. The best experience one could possibly share with 15,000 other people. It was electric. 🥹

  12. 16miledetour

    Spent about $600 to go alone and sit in the nosebleeds to this game. Worth every penny.

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