@Canadiens de Montréal

Hutson donne à Florian une démonstration rapide (avec l’aimable autorisation de Stu Cowan sur X)

Hutson donne à Florian une démonstration rapide (avec l’aimable autorisation de Stu Cowan sur X)



  1. OnlineEgg

    coaches dream of a player with this much awareness

  2. pushaper

    and Hutson demonstrates the subban offside

  3. EarthWormGin

    So Hutson can literally slow down the game…what other superpowers does he have?

  4. Heineman has to be better on that play, what the hell is he doing skating into the zone offside? Hutson’s work was for nothing because he was asleep at the wheel

  5. Longshanks123

    Anyone else think a dirtier player (unfriendly dirtier in Xhekaj’s case) could’ve taken Hutson’s leg right out there ?

  6. So excited for Hutson this year!!!!

    I heard he was like #5 on some list for prefered player to win the Calder already.

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