@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Boudreau explique comment Berube peut changer la tendance perdante des Maple Leafs

C’est un phénomène unique dans le monde du sport. Lorsqu’un nouvel entraîneur-chef arrive, il est souvent capable de connaître du succès immédiatement. Comment est-ce possible ? L’ancien entraîneur-chef de la LNH et actuel analyste de TSN Hockey, Bruce Boudreau, nous fait part de ses réflexions et explique ce que Craig Berube peut faire à Toronto pour changer les habitudes de la franchise.


  1. Matthews, Marner & Nylander all had more playing experience in the NHL than Sheldon Keefe had coaching experience in the NHL. He was a minor leaguer at best & they didnt respect him anymore it was clear to see aftr blowing the 3-1 series lead to the Habs. He could barely get them to win any elimination games in his career the change was much needed if u ask me.

  2. Not gonna happen. Look at their lineup, outside of 3 really good players they don't have much at all. And that back end is horribly weak.

  3. "Make them feel good about themselves"????? Marner says the Leafs are gods in Toronto not sure how you can feel better than that.

  4. Berube is a good coach but not sure he's the guy to get them over the hump. The problem with this team is their lack of offence in the playoffs and unless Berube can win playoff games 1-0 every time, I'm not sure if he's the right fit.

  5. By Far the best move made was to bring in Chief. I've not heard a single player doubt his ability and coaching style.

  6. tigers can't change their stripes. I have zero confidence Berube will make any material change. They have the exact same players who fold in the playoff. They'll play hard for about a week before they decide 'nah'. The time for a GM change was 2 years ago, the time for a coaching move was last year, and the time for core changes is this year, but I doubt that'll happen now.

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