@Golden Knights de Vegas

Jack Eichel au rassemblement de Trump posant avec la star de MAGA Sam Brown à Las Vegas

Jack Eichel au rassemblement de Trump posant avec la star de MAGA Sam Brown à Las Vegas



  1. haunterloo92

    If you hate this do not look into mark stones instagram

  2. SouthernEntrance6986


  3. SRSgoblin

    Watching Vegas sports lately as someone who actually wants democracy to continue is becoming increasingly difficult realizing just how many of the players between the Golden Knights and Raiders are full MAGA.

  4. PlatypusJonesy

    Bummer, but hardly surprising. Just because they play on the team we support doesn’t mean they know the first thing about politics or whether we’d even like them if we actually got to know them. They play, we cheer. Outside of that, all bets are off.

  5. Pdxduckman

    Welp, that sucks.  Can’t root for him anymore.

  6. appledatsyuk

    The dude he’s with just looks… scary.

    No surprised if you make boatloads of money you’re gonna want trump in office

  7. DeAngeloVz

    It’s really interesting that ppl are mad but if it was Kamala it would be praised. Why do you guys care about celebrity opinions so much?

  8. shayulimon

    As if we needed another reason to dislike “The Perm”. What a muppet.

  9. thecakeslayer

    Is that former New York Jets CB Bryce Hall?

  10. ittozziloP

    The fact they’re selling merch on the big screen is so dystopian lmao 

  11. poutinegalvaude

    If by “Star” they mean “flaming hot ball of gas”

  12. Loudlaryadjust


  13. Nevada-Explorer

    You know it is possible that people can have different views from your own and they do so for very valid reasons. Everyone’s automatic outrage shows how little political acumen you really have and probably shouldn’t be judging people’s politics when you get your information from the View. I say this as a life long independent who has voted both Red and blue in almost in equal measure. I am sick and tired of the sheep on both sides.

  14. Zero_Griever

    Well, this is enlightening – and a fucking bummer for the team.

    Noted, though.

  15. Complex-Ad-5907

    Good. Get some support for trump. Bring the world back to common sense since the left don’t have it.

  16. Notevenwithyourdick

    Eichel really looking more and more like the guy from Home Alone.

  17. troyboy75

    Heartbreaking. Athlete you enjoy doesn’t have the same exact political opinion as you 💔

  18. friskyjude

    Gross. But unfortunately, this is probably like 95% of the league. The typical NHL player is a rich, white, uneducated jock.

  19. textbook-hippy-man

    « Rich white guy from Boston votes Republican » is hardly revolutionary.

  20. RadioDude1995

    I couldn’t care less what any celebrity or sports star does with their personal time (as long as they aren’t hurting anybody else). Everyone can form their own opinions.

  21. TheMasterFlash

    Unfortunately, rich white guys are gonna rich white guy. It’s in a wealthy persons interest to support a party that caters specifically to them.

  22. Limp-Inevitable-6703

    Tf is up with that goofs face?

  23. Dazzling-Park4501

    Wow people here care too much about political opinions.

  24. xxmoonprismxx

    Stop letting politics define you just fucking live holy shit

  25. GeorgeOrwells1985

    Based Jack. The authoritarian dem supporters will downvote this

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