@Devils du New Jersey

La grille des diables est complète, merci de votre participation

Et maintenant, pour le plaisir, voici les finalistes de chaque article.

Finalistes Le plus sous-estimé : Patrik Elias Le plus surestimé : Mattias Tedenby Le meilleur : Patrik Elias Le pire : Jordin Tootoo Le plus grand potentiel : Jack Hughes/Luke Hughes (Jack n’était pas éligible, Luke était le joueur éligible le plus voté) Le plus grand potentiel gâché : Mackenzie Blackwood Le meilleur défenseur : Scott Neidermayer Le plus grand joueur avec un ballon : Jesper Bratt Le plus rapide : Miles Wood Le plus lent : Richard Matvichuk Le meilleur attaquant : Ilya Kovalchuk Le meilleur joueur bidirectionnel : Nico Hischier Le meilleur tir : Stéphane Richer Le pire tir : Cam Janssen Le pire gardien : Andrew Hammond Le meilleur entraîneur : Pat Burns



  1. ricardofitzpatrick

    McLeod as “wasted potential” is like getting Capone on tax evasion. Sure, but, uuuuhhh

  2. Zzzonkedx

    Thanks for doing this, OP. It’s been fun. Now, on to the season!

  3. aidanohoulihan

    Great job on this, thank you for all the hard work in putting it together. This was a great exercise, and great result! Thank you!!!

  4. Great offseason content, OP. I looked forward to these threads. Some good discussion.

  5. Flamethrower753

    Definitely a few in the « bad » categories on this list that can be attributed to recency bias. Jon Gillies was terrible, but he wasn’t even on the team for a full season. I wasn’t even born yet when the 80’s Devils played so I can’t visually say how bad they were, but going by stats alone, the goalie horror that the 80’s Devils had to put up with would make even Gillies look passable. Granted, NHL goalies in the 80’s let in A LOT more goals than what what they average today, but even then, Ron Low had a -17.5 Goals Saved Above Average in 1983-84 and Chico Resch (as much I hate to say it) had a -23.4 GSAA in 1984-85. Most of the bad categories is more visual confirmation based rather than stat based, but I can definitely bet that if most of us were around to see those 80’s teams, a lot of those players would definitely fit in most of the bad categories.

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