@Capitals de Washington

Quelqu’un veut des Ovi Os ?

Je viens d’emménager et de déballer et je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j’en ai acheté environ 10 mdr. Dans la région de Herndon, disons 10 $ chacun ?



  1. Distinct_Audience457

    Shut up and take my money!! I’ll take these off your hands

  2. inreallife12001

    I’d so buy one but I live in Indiana 😭

  3. espnrocksalot

    Yes, would you ship or meet up in DC?

  4. birdsofprey02

    lol, I too bought a ton of these. Once they approached expiration date, Giant had them on sale for $1.00 a box. Was hopeful someday they’d be yearned for.

  5. hulknuts

    You mean they arent worth thousands of dollars?

  6. SmokinTires

    Is Giant even still selling these? I haven’t been to a Giant in forever lol

  7. RealCoolDad

    I bought one of these. Where the heck did I put it….

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