@Blue Jackets de Columbus

[Portzline] Le directeur général de CBJ, Don Waddell, a déclaré qu’il discutait avec des agents pour les agents libres actuels, dans l’espoir de signer un ou deux joueurs avant le camp. Pas de PTO, mais de vrais contrats. « Il nous manque deux attaquants. »

[Portzline] Le directeur général de CBJ, Don Waddell, a déclaré qu’il discutait avec des agents pour les agents libres actuels, dans l’espoir de signer un ou deux joueurs avant le camp. Pas de PTO, mais de vrais contrats. « Il nous manque deux attaquants. »



  1. ShartRat

    Am I the only one who hopes Waddell is looking to sign the hot dog man?

  2. Responsible-Heart-74

    I’m gonna start a petition to turn Dirty Frank’s into Dirty Phil’s

  3. GadsdenGats

    What free agents could we be looking at? And is a trade on the table at all? I feel like everyone who’s still here at this point is staying, DW seems like if he didn’t want them there he would’ve traded earlier.

  4. Another_Guy_In_Ohio

    I like that r/hockey is still salivating over dumping all their awful long term contracts on us when in the same press conference Waddell expressed confidence is not meeting the floor wouldn’t be an issue this season

  5. ThunderousDemon86

    I don’t particularly like any of the free agents still available. Think I’d rather look for trade/cap dump options.

  6. lelander193

    Give me JVR and Kessel, they at least will be fun to watch and also bring a veteran presence.

  7. Getting Kessel would be one of the funniest things this team has ever done simply bc of his vibes. I would love to see him as a blue jacket

  8. DerDutchman1350

    Why not throw an offer sheet to Lucas Raymond? Stevie Y is always tight with contracts.

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