@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’homme accusé du meurtre de Gaudreau avait un taux d’alcoolémie de 0,087 %

L’homme accusé du meurtre de Gaudreau avait un taux d’alcoolémie de 0,087 %



  1. mickeyhause

    Fuck this man. He should never see the light of day

  2. Red-Leader117

    In the USA about 37 people a day die in drink driving related accidents. Every day.

  3. positivedownside

    This is why we don’t speed. This is why we don’t drink and then drive a 2,000 lb vehicle.

  4. GrunDMC74

    Even aside from the drinking, this guy’s impatience prompted him to try to pass on the right side while on a two lane road. At best, that’s a shoulder but logic should dictate the drivers ahead were making space for a reason. This guy can’t be trusted with the social contract and should rot in jail, then hell afterwards.

  5. NovemberKiloAlpha

    “Higgins also had a history of road rage and reckless driving, according to First Assistant Prosecutor Jonathan Flynn of Salem County. He said that Higgins apparently became frustrated when the two drivers ahead of him slowed down to go around the cyclists and that he sped up to try to pass the other cars on the right, striking the Gaudreaus.

    “He indicated he didn’t even see them,” said Superior Court Judge Michael J. Silvanio, who said Higgins’ admitted “impatience” caused two deaths.”

    Sounds like there are documented cases of his driving skills. Road rage, passing on the right. The guy’s sense of entitlement killed the Gaudreau brothers just as much as the alcohol.

  6. Creative-Champion703

    Why is he only facing up to 20 years? This should obviously be a life sentence or capital punishment

  7. downhill_skeet

    I hope this haunts Sean Higgins for the rest of his life. Deserves to develop some serious PTSD after this. I hope he is never able to find peace and I wish him as much mental anguish as one human being can carry

    Whether it’s in prison or a hole in the ground, I hope he rots

  8. TheBossAlbatross

    0.087 is actually not very much. Many states had laws where it wasn’t illegal until 0.12 and recently lowered it to 0.1 and then 0.08. The difference of legal or illegal in this case is 0.007. Not much. They died because he’s an asshole driver, not driving drunk. And honestly that makes it worse. He was more or less in control and he CHOSE to be a dickhead. They should make an example out of him.

  9. NoDuck1754

    Official breath tests usually happen quite a while after the initial accident.

    He was likely well into the .09s or higher when it occurred.

    Everything we have learned about this guy’s situation has made him seem more like a PoS by the minute though. I’m glad the gravity of the situation is finally hitting him.

  10. RainbowSupernova8196

    What an asshole. Fuck drunk drivers.

  11. DaniCapsFan

    I really don’t care that this scumbag has a wife and two daughters. Johnny Gaudreau had a wife, two children, and, as we found out a few days later, a child on the way. Matthew Gaudreau had a wife and a child on the way.

    Law abiding citizen? The dude had a history of road rage and reckless driving. Empathetic, my ass. I hope he gets the maximum sentence and, if he survives that, never gets behind the wheel again.

  12. Andr3wJ411

    So he was just an idiot, alcohol barely had anything to do with it

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