@Kraken de Seattle

Morrison nourrit des doutes dans sa bataille pour une place dans l’effectif du Kraken | NHL.com

Morrison nourrit des doutes dans sa bataille pour une place dans l’effectif du Kraken | NHL.com



  1. surfingeagles

    From what I saw yesterday l, he looks like a reliable 4th line center and can grow. I think the issue would be, who do you swap out? Unless Seattle makes a trade (and they need to) there isn’t a spot.

  2. SiccSemperTyrannis

    >Each time, he was cut and sent back to junior without a contract. Morrison didn’t become demoralized. He used it as fuel.
    >To improve his foot speed, he spent 30 minutes before each practice last season working with Coachella Valley assistant coach Jessica Campbell, who specializes in power-skating techniques.



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