@Flyers de Philadelphie

Quel courage absolu de faire ça devant Torts…

Regardez Matvei Michkov faire sensation lors de son premier camp des recrues des Flyers de Philadelphie en tentant le célèbre but de style crosse du Michigan. Ce geste spectaculaire, souvent vu dans la LNH ces dernières années, s’est produit pendant l’entraînement, provoquant à la fois les rires et l’attention de ses coéquipiers et entraîneurs, y compris l’entraîneur-chef pragmatique John Tortorella. Malgré la position connue de Tortorella sur les jeux spectaculaires, la confiance de Michkov pour tenter le Michigan montre l’audace que les fans adorent. Restez à l’écoute pour les dernières mises à jour sur les progrès de Michkov, les faits saillants du camp des recrues des Flyers et la prochaine série des recrues de la LNH. Michkov pourra-t-il apporter son style de jeu audacieux aux vrais matchs cette saison ? Découvrons-le en plongeant dans son parcours dans la LNH.


  1. If you want Russians to fear Americans should have stopped puss@ing out vs them since that chicken game with USN fleet sent by Obama to stop the Syria war hitting the breaks and reverese when met by Russian fleet out of their naval base there. all the way to now when US armed forces being KIA bombed there by Russia's allies and nothing being done about it. same for Ukraine and the war south of Syria.

  2. Torts brings some personality to the league. He's brash, honest and sometimes off the hook. He's given some epic interviews too!

  3. i dont understand why a michagan would piss him off, if there is anywhere on the ice to pull a risky play its behind the other teams net. sure you can lose possession but that can be said of any shot. anyway just call it a mitchagan.

  4. Eck, you have gotta take Star Wars Theory to an NHL drama. Drag the guy away from all that drama and get him into hockey!

  5. Trying something fancy and getting chewed out is healthy. It teaches the player that if you take that risk, you better finish, or to be mindful of situations where the risk is not worth it. It's win-win.

  6. I must have missed something, somewhere. What happened to Kevin Hayes? Google is just talking about him going to the Pens for the 2025 season, and I'm not sure that's got anything to do with it.

  7. I knew it would be Michkov 😄he has scored plenty of them when you watch highlights of him. Given that Bedard has already scored one I wouldn't be surprised if Michkov scores a few in his career.

  8. I think the Tortorella-hates-Michigans thing is way overblown. He never even said that Zegras shouldn’t have done it, or shouldn’t try it again. It was that there was no response from the other team when that happened.

    Moreover, he’s very publicly said that he thinks Zegras is a terrific player and is personally in touch with him to support him.

    I get the sense that Tortorella isn’t going out there and telling his players to try things like this, but that he’s not going to tell them they can’t AS LONG AS it doesn’t come at the cost of a better scoring opportunity or their positioning/backchecking

  9. Torts is the last of the Mohicans. A dying breed of men who want the absolute best from themselves and everyone else, and aren't afraid to be disliked by those who are easily hurt. When Torts retires and next Sheldon Keefe clone takes the coaching vacancy we will all appreciate that the league was better with John Tortorella in it.

  10. what people tend to forget is that tort is a simple guy. backchek like your life depends on it. dont cheat. play on 200 foot. do your 40 50 sec shift and youll never have a problem with him. hes fair. he gives playtime to people who merit it. hes an emotional one. he put the players he thinks he need on the ice to win. sorry for the snowflakes.

  11. Torts is like the Gordon Ramsay of hockey. Takes no bullshit from anyone, gets to the point, and wants the best out of his players.

  12. Torts and Philly are the perfect combination. Philly is a ruthless city when it comes to their sports teams. I hope the Flyers don't ditch him after a handful of years, cuz I don't think there is a better coach for that city.

  13. Torts is so overrated – Canucks fan that had to suffer through the 2013 – 2014 with him and his nonsense

  14. Its worth noting that after Torts had his rant against the zegras goal on tv, he called up zegras and apologized and i believe told him he liked the creativity. Hes not as much of a dinosaur as some people think he is

  15. Torts is a great guy. I knew him ages ago and my cousin played for him and loved him. Play hard, give 100%, he'll always have your back. As a player, what more can you ask for in a coach?

  16. This reminds me of how Trotz coached Ovi. Trotz said to "do what I say" without the puck. Forecheck, D…

    But when Ovi got the puck? Just play his game because of the magic Ovi can create.

  17. Unlike some other coaches, Torterella has adapted to the new generation of players, and I love his style, great coach. The only reason I would cheer for Philly if they went on a run!

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