@Wild du Minnesota

OPA!! Victoire écrasante – Kirill « The Thrill » Kaprizov élu meilleur de l’histoire du Wild | Jour 4 : Le pire (Top 3 des lignes, de tous les temps)

Lève Kapri Sun pour un toast de félicitations Il n’y a jamais eu de doute sur le fait que Kirill a été le meilleur joueur à avoir porté le maillot du Wild ! Mention honorable à Marián Gáborík, Marc-André Fleury et CapFinn Koivu.

Comme il n’y a plus grand chose à dire sur les meilleurs de tous les temps, nous allons passer aux pires de tous les temps (les 3 meilleures lignes).

Messieurs, quel joueur du Wild a été le plus nul (de tous les temps) ?



  1. BuschLightJesus

    The Martin Hanzal experience wasn’t fun

  2. tompear82

    Kaprizov singlehandedly kept Victor Rask in the league for like 2 years longer than he should have been. Once the Wild released him, he was never heard from again. My vote is for Rask.

  3. zspice64

    Weighing the hype vs the result, watching Vanek and his lead feet was a very forgettable experience.

  4. gunnersabotank

    Thomas Vanek had some of the most all time ineffective completely brutal shifts I’ve seen in hockey while playing for the Wild. It hurts me to say this because he’s one of my 5 all time favorite Gophers. He sucked as a Wild player.

  5. EvilJ1982

    Gotta be Victor Rask.

    Had he been on the 3’rd or 4’th line center, he might have been nondescript enough. The fact that we ran with this dude like he was a 1C was the very definition of insanity. He made so many boneheaded decisions and had so many mis-plays that it was mind bending.

    Maybe he wasn’t the worst to ever play for the team, but for someone who rode the first line? Yeah, he deserves to be here, because he’s easily the worst first line player who had any playing time of consequence.

  6. silvermoonhowler

    Martin Hanzal

    Singlehandedly the worst trade ever in Wild history

  7. CitizenStrife

    Hanzal is an easy choice, but I’m going to pile onto those Fletcher deals by saying Moulson was also pretty ass. The Wild weren’t « one player away, » and Fletcher kept throwing away 1sts and 2nds like candy.

  8. Minnesota_2016

    Does nobody remember 1st line center Warren Peters?

  9. Have y’all forgotten about Martin « Pylon » Skoula? 

    If it’s forward only, then James MFn Sheppard (49 points in 224 games) gets my vote. More important than his points is how the hell he managed to play 224 NHL games with the Wild. 

    And if you want to keep it within the last 15 years to get out of the expansion era, Chuck Kobasew (30 points in 105 games) or Tyler Ennis (22 in 73) were both worse than Setoguchi (63 in 117) or Rask (52 in 149) points wise and did nothing physical. They were both on par with Cooke (38 in 111, but without the assholery, like it or not). 

  10. GrainAtWork

    I said it for most overrated and I’ll say it again for worst: Dany Fucken Heatley

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