@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Les buts les plus mémorables de l’histoire des Sénateurs d’Ottawa (jusqu’en 2017)

Cette vidéo a été demandée par ghost_curse ———————————————————————————— ►Suivez-moi sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/OvertimeGoals ►Devenez mécène : https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?ta… Commentez vos suggestions sur ce que je devrais faire ensuite ci-dessous ! Ajoutez-moi dans vos notifications et laissez un j’aime sur cette vidéo ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de compilations comme celle-ci ! ►Tous les clips appartiennent à la Ligue nationale de hockey


  1. All those moves from moves that you showed are awesome but you could've put in is amazing penalty kill wasting the other team penalty before they touched and Jason Spezza wrap around pass

  2. Well this is depressing as a Sens fan. Almost ready to bring a Stanley cup contender again just a few more years

  3. I was at the game where the first three goals were scored. I daresay that never has the CTC been louder than during Pageau's third goal. The announcer said it was rocking – he wasn't embellishing.

  4. 2017 playoffs killed me. But goddammit I'll never stop fucking rooting for this team. Emery would have been happy

  5. My uncle was a huge sens fan and after his wake we all went to my aunts to watchbthe Sens game and thats when the Pageau game happened

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