@Ligue nationale de hockey

Valeri Nichushkin devrait revenir dans l’alignement de l’Avalanche après une suspension de six mois à la mi-novembre

Valeri Nichushkin devrait revenir dans l’alignement de l’Avalanche après une suspension de six mois à la mi-novembre



  1. SecretSquirrelOrg

    Man that locker room is going to be interesting. I know the team was furious with him having fallen off the wagon during a crunch playoff series.

  2. krazyellinas23

    He has a lot to answer to his teammates, he better not let them down again. If McKinnon is willing to give him another chance, he better not f it up again.

  3. Commandant1

    Yes thats typically what happens when a suspension ends.

  4. slagmacg

    Looking forward to a healthy Val being back with the team

  5. EventualCorgi01

    Was it ever confirmed if he was with a woman that was a victim of human trafficking? I remember reading articles where the woman was saying something along the lines of a bad man taking her passport/documents

  6. Shiny_Mew76

    Not sure how to feel about this. He betrayed us when we needed him most, he’s going to have a lot of explaining and apologizing to do, and not with just words, but actions on and off the ice.

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