@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Jordan Hall] Danny Briere a déclaré qu’il semble qu’Alexei Kolosov souhaite un emploi dans la LNH et que sans cela, il veut jouer dans la KHL, pas dans la AHL. Briere a défendu les responsables du développement des joueurs, les espoirs et les entraîneurs des Flyers à Lehigh Valley, affirmant qu’ils ont fait des pieds et des mains pour être là pour Kolosov.

[Jordan Hall] Danny Briere a déclaré qu’il semble qu’Alexei Kolosov souhaite un emploi dans la LNH et que sans cela, il veut jouer dans la KHL, pas dans la AHL. Briere a défendu les responsables du développement des joueurs, les espoirs et les entraîneurs des Flyers à Lehigh Valley, affirmant qu’ils ont fait des pieds et des mains pour être là pour Kolosov.



  1. Own_Result3651

    A .907 save percentage in the khl and a .875 save percentage in the ahl is not gonna get you on an nhl roster lmao. Yegor zavragin better anyways

  2. guyfromphilly

    Even with the homesickness, it seems like his « isolation » was self imposed especially given Lappy’s comments about him rejecting multiple invites to dinner.

    Smells like entitlement ie « I shouldn’t be up here ».  

    I hope the Flyers indeed toll and hold him to his contract.

  3. StubbornLeech07

    Yeah, that’s not how that works. Gotta earn your spot in the NHL and Kolosov hasn’t done that.

  4. Diamondback424

    Hold on to him and let him stay in the KHL then.

  5. Glass_Channel8431

    Sorry big fella gotta earn your way into the show.


    I wanted to wait until more word from Danny before talking shit on him but this basically confirms Kolosov is acting like a little bitch. The kid thinks he can tell Briere how it’s gonna be instead of the other way around.

  7. zanothium

    Then why would you sign the contract? This is the NHL. Things are not given to you.

  8. CIearSights

    Someone needs to check all these kids egos.

    Not starting off right w/ the fanbase 

  9. Ok_Orchid7131

    i get all the venom towards him, but Fedotov came out of nowhere and was given a bigger contract than Errson without winning an NHL game. I could see why Kolosov is salty, but come on dude, we don’t know how the goaltending will go this year. He needs to come and dominate the AHL, if he can do that, then he will get his wish one way or another. As Axl Rose would say, « All we need is just a little patience (Patience) ooh, yeah »

  10. msivoryishort

    Does him being in Russia eat the contract years of
    his ELC?

  11. Steppyjim

    Honestly I’m kinda done with the guy. Like if he comes over and plays in the AHL cool, I’ll be rooting for you. If he holds off and never comes over it’s no skin off my nose. He’s not Dustin Wolf or Yaro Askarov levels of talent and potential here. He’s a decent goalie prospect. Between Ersson, Zavragin, Bjarnsson, Fedotov, etc, we have a bunch of those.

    But I’m not holding the bag for a dude that might not even be good at the NHL level. If someone actually gives up a pick for him, ship em off and wish him luck.

  12. Exzrian_Artistrana

    Dude’s starting to sound like Cutter… trade him, cut him, just get rid of him, especially with all this whining now against a paper trail essentially showing that he’s been offered help and support.

  13. Sandrark86

    This makes me wonder exactly what Chuck was telling these guys when they were drafted. Seems very entitled unless dumb Chuck was out there guaranteeing immediate NHL playing time.

  14. Jmidiri92

    Bro got lit up in the AHL for the few games he played and thinks he deserves a roster spot. Fuck outta here. What is with the entitlement of these kids?

  15. The_Flyers_Fan

    I hope the flyers toll his contract until he is back in diapers. We don’t need an entitled man baby on the roster.

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