@Blue Jackets de Columbus

À propos de Ticketmaster « Tarification dynamique »

J’avais donc aujourd’hui 18 ans lorsque j’ai découvert que Ticketmaster avait un "fonctionnalité" appelé "tarification dynamique".

Les billets bon marché pour les séries de stades ont baissé de 10 $, mais sont ensuite remontés à 15 $ dans les 30 minutes qui ont suivi.



  1. Big_Green_Piccolo

    Yeah ticketmaster is the scum of the earth

  2. DontPokeTheCrab

    Basically it changes pricing as demand picks up. Meaning TM is allowed to be an automated scalper in addition to already adding fees on top of prices.

  3. I clicked on tickets at a certain price, put them in my cart, and when I checked out they were 15% higher. Added up to over a hundred bucks. So f***ing gross.

  4. checkedstripes

    Y e p
    I watched some mid seats jump $35 each as I was looking at them. 🫠

  5. Flippedacoin

    The things I would like to say about TM would probably get me banned on reddit

  6. NontransferableApe

    It’s insane that I paid 20 bucks less on resale tickets than fucking pre-sale tickets. I was going to upgrade my seats but Fuck ticket master

  7. Nice_Wafer_2447

    its a scam without attempting to conceal the crime. TM bots lock up the tix on demand and then skyrocket the pricing

  8. Ticket master is a joke. Lower deck tickets were showing for almost $500 from ticket master now when I know they were only around 200 a few months ago.

  9. I’ll buy re-sale tickets in February lol this shit is absolutely insane. Fees are 25%.

    Edit: Prices have jumped up more than 250% in the last 20 minutes. I will not be attending this.

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