@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Toronto Maple Leafs] Jon Gillies participera au camp d’entraînement des Maple Leafs dans le cadre d’un essai professionnel (PTO)

[Toronto Maple Leafs] Jon Gillies participera au camp d’entraînement des Maple Leafs dans le cadre d’un essai professionnel (PTO)



  1. Svalbard38

    30 years old, 35 NHL games, .891 career NHL SV%, he’s not competing for an NHL spot here, and if Murray and Hildeby are going to be our AHL tandem (and maybe Akhtyamov too but I think he’ll probably be mostly an ECHL guy this year barring injuries further up), I don’t think there’s much of a role for Gillies.

  2. BrickFuckingWoll

    Queue the over analysis of an extra guy to shoot at in practice who they can get familiar with to know if he can be called upon in an emergency during the season if the injury bug hits hard

  3. steen101984

    Murray and woll both have injury history, stolarz has been a career backup. He’s a warm body to not push the main guys, and at worst a signing we can make later if injuries arise.

  4. cjinbarrie

    I’ll take all the PTOs we can get. That’s what camp is for. I’d have Kessel there too if I could.

  5. GiveMeAdviceClowns

    This is a nothing story guys. No need to speculate. Best case he gets 2 NHL games in as an emergency backup. There’s too many serviceable goalies right now. Every goalie story from now on is just for emergency emergency purposes 😂 yall be speculating like this fella has a chance to take over the starting role out of camp 🤔 Even if he gets 3 shutties with a 100%SV against teenagers and goons in preseason…he’s still not relevant to be in any Leafs goalie tandem discussion now. It’s pretty much set (at least for the big first half of the season) that it will be Woll and Stolarz splitting games or whoever is hot. One goes down, it will be Murray up to split. Then Hildelby. Then a trade. No trade, then a prospect if they’re ready. Then Gillies gets considered lmao

  6. officermarty

    This guy didn’t even play last year? Very bizzare PTO offer…why not bring back Martin Jones over this guy?

  7. Scissors4215

    With all the split squad games it might literally just be for an extra body in net and less so an actual try out for the leafs. Bit of a win win. Leafs get and extra goalie for preseason, especially after they’d end the prospects back, Gillies gets a chance to play and audition for 32 nhl teams and AHL teams.

  8. Current-Own

    Why didn’t they just sign him to an ahl contract. I can’t see the Leafs giving Gillies a pro contract.

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