@Devils du New Jersey

[Nichols] À propos de Mercer : hier soir, aucun accord n’était encore conclu.

[Nichols] À propos de Mercer : hier soir, aucun accord n’était encore conclu.



  1. AGOEsLois

    Well that’s not what we want to hear

  2. Midnight_Mustard

    Weird considering yesterday we heard it was close

  3. MrMooMoo91

    I wish we knew if the issue was term, aav, or both.

    All the expert projections I’ve seen don’t seem like they should be this tough to negotiate.

    My guess is that he wants a 1 year deal, and Fitz is on 2 or 3.

  4. IAwaitAGuardian

    I am beginning to worry slightly.

    I do not think it will happen, I’m almost positive it won’t. But for a team that historically has had *SO MUCH* trouble with injuries, losing Mercer would be a huge blow.

  5. Accomplished-Taste55

    What is he going to do, not play this year? The only thing I’m worried about is that its going to hurt relations between player and organization long-term.

  6. BeerNerdActual

    Yeah the vibes are extra fucked this year again

  7. baconpoutine89

    Just gonna blue ball me like that…

  8. NoFearsNoTears


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