@Avalanche du Colorado

Des idées ? Georgiev pour Swayman ?



  1. Inevitable_Goose_435

    It’s a pipe dream but obviously that would be dope.

  2. TurtleMountain

    If he was willing to take a $6M deal, wouldn’t he just sign in Boston? Why would we trade Georgiev++ for a player that we couldn’t afford?

  3. Moronic article. If swayman was gonna sign for 6m he’d be in Bruins training camp right now. He wants more than that and we can’t afford him under the cap.

  4. Careful_Knee_2489

    This rumor does not come from any credible sources at the moment. It’s an idea that’s floating around online,

    Guess anything is news nowadays

  5. Saltwaterborn

    Swayman would be an excellent add, but there’s no way the money makes sense for us. If it did, Boston would have signed him ages ago.

  6. trashking11

    Absolute fantasy, this makes so little sense I actually lost a few brain cells reading it

  7. Denver Broncos: Let’s have a quarterback carousel!

    Joe Sakic: Write that down! WRITE THAT DOWN!!!

    Look, I’m all for getting rid of Giorgisieve, but it has to be an upgrade.

  8. AvsFan1981

    I’ll trade Georgie and Nuke for him. Cap may work then

  9. UpsideDownQue

    This might be the worst article I’ve ever read

  10. It’s not a trade we can do. It’s just blatantly not something we can afford.

  11. ThunderGoalie35

    I mean every sane Avs fan on earth would be down for this if it were actually possible. This is Fantasyland though

  12. 2ChainzTalib

    NHL off-season is by far the worst for people just straight making shit up and publishing it like it’s actual news.

  13. CicatrizTMV

    To the author:  What I’ve just read is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in this rambling, incoherent article were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this subreddit is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. 

  14. Little-Nikas

    « Now, let’s be clear about something. This rumor does not come from any credible sources »

    Per the article. First sentence of the paragraph!

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