@Flames de Calgary

Brad Treliving a été élu Flame le plus surestimé. Maintenant, qui est la MEILLEURE Flame de tous les temps ? (Pas de répétition, la réponse la plus votée l’emporte)

Je m’attends à ce que ce soit une décision assez unanime.



  1. CaptinDerpI

    If your answer isn’t Iginla, it’s incorrect

  2. Terminator_Ecks

    When you don’t even have to say his name.

  3. Canadian_Pacer

    He may not have been the best and he was before my time, but anytime i think of the Flames, i immediately think of Lanny MacDonald

  4. CoffeeTwitch

    I think Iggy lands best for « best forward ».
    How can « best flame of all time » not be Lanny McDonald?

  5. Jack_1080

    Its nice to know we can at least all agree on ONE thing XD

  6. tilldeathdoiparty

    Should be a vote between Lanny and Iggy no one else should be considered.

  7. nieuwendyk

    Al MacInnis is still the one whose insane playoff performance in 1989 gave us the Cup. Jarome is probably the right answer, but good lord was Al great for us!

  8. “Most people are gonna say Iginla yeah?”

    Ow wow look at that, EVERYONE said Iginla

  9. o123c123d123

    Gives me an extra day to think of my worst (top 3 Lines) I guess

  10. The fanboy in me says Vernon, but the reality is… Iggy.

  11. DepartmentSea8381

    Iginla definitely the best Flame ever. Honorable mention to Lanny though.

  12. abrandnewsharpie

    I’ma smack the next person that types Jerome

  13. bsbrandon_98

    The only correct answers are Iggy or Lanny. And whichever one doesn’t win here, should automatically win the « best forward » one

  14. dritarashtra


    And this is why: when this team was a bag of shit that did nothing for a decade but disappoint he was the ONLY bright spot. Half way through his Rookie season I read an article in the paper about him and decided that’s my player.

    I loved him long after I stopped loving the Flames and their corporatists hellscape ownership.

  15. tighboidheach46

    We know the answer so more interesting could be who would be 2nd. Kipper 🐠

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