@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Changements majeurs pour les Maple Leafs lors du premier entraînement avec Berube

Mark Masters et Chris Johnston discutent du ton donné par le nouvel entraîneur-chef des Leafs Craig Berube lors de son premier camp d’entraînement avec l’équipe, partagent leurs réflexions sur les commentaires de William Nylander concernant le fait de jouer au centre et examinent de plus près la façon dont Max Pacioretty gère son congé de maternité.


  1. I'm not even a Leafs fan. Berube doesn't tolerate slackers and he's preparing the team physically/mentally for the playoffs from day one! Berube want to lose in 7 games or be a 1st round exit team. Masters/Johnston just talked some blah, blah, blah. How about talk to some of the players and see what their reactions were and the message sent to them, after the first practice?

  2. Anyone wanna bet that Marner has a bad attitude about being pushed hard on day 1 in camp? Guarenteed!!

  3. Hope Pacioretty makes the team. He's a leader and ex captain. I think Tre saw they needed to provide support for Matthews with how to captain the right way

  4. 4:10 SO this is IMO but I think Robinson jumped too early on asking to be traded. IMO if I knew there was a new coach on the bench when the last guy didnt like me for whatever reason (Let's face it Keefe didn't like Robertson and honestly I would love Robertson to score in the opener against Jersey and flip Keefe off) I would do what he eventually did do and sign a 1 year "lets see what happens" deal. If u again feel ur'e not being used you don;t like it here then come December January ask for a trade.

  5. Is it too early to predict this will be the same Leafs with the same results as last year ?
    Move the pieces around again….done that one before too.
    Robertson was smart to try to get out. Never winning anything playing in TO.
    Guess the money is good.

  6. Sounds like Chief runs an intense, up-tempo main camp practice & said he was happy with how his players responded. That's what most Leaf fans want to hear. Curious to see how things unfold as the pre-season games come up. Fingers crossed that there are no further injuries.

  7. Reporter Chris has been making a lot of mistakes lately. First he all but guaranteed Marner would be traded. Then in the above clip he said none of the goalies played more than 3o games. Murray has over numerous seasons. Steve Dangle must be rubbing off on him

  8. When I think of Keefe's time coaching and remembering how they played down to teams and got beat by a Zamboni driver…..if Berube can make them compete at all times it could be good. Just look at Edmonton last year, started absolute crap and if you saw the games nobody played well. New coach, Stanley Cup finals. Anything is possible.

  9. Big deal Another season that won’t bring Toronto to what happened during the 1967 season. It’s really difficult to get excited about this team .

  10. With the core four increasingly dominating the payroll, it’s extremely difficult to build a well-rounded championship lineup. ✔️

  11. But but but….Leaf fans wanna know….what colour was Matthews purse? Seriously, it's Day 1….let's see how the Core 5 Daisies are reacting by game 25

  12. It’s a long season and longer playoffs, Leafs goaltending must stay healthy and I feel Stolarz will help the team during the season. Let’s see what Berube can do with his club . Cheers 🇨🇦

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