@Canucks de Vancouver

Vous avez parlé, ils ont écouté !

Vous avez parlé, ils ont écouté !



  1. Yo I’m glad they figured something out for them.

  2. Certain_Pickle896

    Very good job for finding a solution. People do care about this stuff.

  3. KimberlyWexlersFoot

    This seems like terrible communications on the Canucks part, I doubt in their emergency meeting they scrambled that they made a plan to have a standing only viewing section built next summer, would take much longer planning to get that to happen (look to it taking 2 seasons to replace the seats) Seems like this plan was in the works and they just didn’t bother telling the super fans.

    Jamming them in a press box seems kinda dumb, but hopefully it’s only for this one season.

  4. CapnPositivity

    That addition in 25 sounds actually really sick.

  5. veni_vidi_vici47

    Unpopular opinion: They’re annoying, they have a dumb name, and it’s obnoxious to pretend you’re entitled to special treatment because you think you’re better than regular fans

  6. Yay! I just want them there, no matter where in the arena.

    Standing room sections seem fun 😁 but I don’t think I can hack it with my bum knees 😅

  7. I’m trying not to be a negative Nelly, but none of the reasons make sense. We all pay for the games. I appreciate hasty work in sorting it out. It just feels odd.

    It just reads (solution wise) we need to give the disruptive kids a place. Because in my mind it’s all about being apart of the games. Not just hidden away while saving face.

    Idk. Maybe I’m an idiot.

  8. BackgroundAct6255

    Love these people.
    Every game they are at makes the barn better.
    HMU if you need 2 more!

  9. -canucks-

    Hey. Can you guys do yhe BROCK BROCK BROCK thing again like a few years ago. Iy was so medieval and badass. And boeser is my boy

  10. Putting them next to Sportsnet’s broadcast studio will lighten up the intermissions with whoever they interview on-air. 

  11. moosecheesetwo

    The outcome is fine, but the Canucks stubbed their toe on this one.

  12. stickinrink

    It sounds like the ticketing department didn’t talk to anyone and unilaterally made the decision. Turns out everyone including the owner is a huge fan (contrary to the original thread where everyone was hating on Aquilini and blaming).

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