@Canucks de Vancouver

Grille des joueurs des Canucks || Meilleur directeur général (de tous les temps) Jour 24

Grille des joueurs des Canucks || Meilleur directeur général (de tous les temps) Jour 24



  1. ProfitMuhammad


    The west coast express team he built in the reason I love hockey. If it wasn’t for him there is a real possibility Vancouver would have lost the Canucks.

  2. IceCreamScuseMe

    Mike Gillis. Took a bubble team that was a year away from a teardown and turned it into the best team in franchise history.

  3. awayfromcanuck

    This is a 2 horse race between Quinn and Gillis right?

    Pat Quinn brought in McLean, Moligny, drafted Linden and Bure. Took us to the 94 Cup finals. Almost the entire 94 team was built under/by him.

    Nonis and Burke helped bring in the core pieces but Gillis was the one that kept them together and surrounded them with the right players and got us 1 win away from a Stanley Cup. Was really the first GM in the entire league in the current era that was looking for ways to create a competitive advantage outside of the usual stuff, introduced sleep doctors etc and was looking for ways to deal with the Canucks tough travel schedule.

    I’d say Quinn

  4. No Pat Quinn No Canucks, this team was going to relocate until Pat Quinn arrived and turn the franchise around. There’s no other « Best GM » without Quinn we wouldn’t even have the team.

  5. Pat Quinn. Drafted the greatest Canuck of all. Trevor Linden

  6. Too early to say Allvin, so I’m going with the big Irishman. Pat Quinn.

  7. GrizSeahawk84

    Brian Burke. When I became a Canucks fan, it was when Burkie was the GM.

  8. Pat Quinn. We might not even have a team by now if we didn’t have Pat Quinn to built the team from the early 1990s. We were always a mediocre/bad team until the Linden/Bure era and Quinn was the architect behind that group. He built the first team that bought excitement and hype to the city.

    HM Gillis: Gillis constructed the most dominant team in history of the franchise in 2010-11. He also GM the most successful era of Canucks hockey. However, the knock on him has always been he inherited the core (Burke drafted the Sedins, Kesler, Bieksa; Nonis traded for Luongo) our core pieces have already been here when he inherited the team. He added some brilliant finishing touches to transform them into a contender. Trading for Ehrhoff, UFA signings of Samuelsson, Hamhuis, Malhotra, Torres plus TDL adds of Lappierre and Higgins were all very good moves. However, Gillis lack of success at the draft table ultimately shortened the contending window of this core group. After 2011 finals, Gillis was also in way over his head; instead of continuing to build from the strength of our team of speed, skill and cycle game, we start going after toughness. It’s like in his mind he was trying to build a team just to beat the 2011 Bruins but not thinking that the chance of facing that Bruins team in the final is unlikely. This is where a series of bad moves begin to happen. He did realize the problem by 2013 and proposed to ownership a plan to rebuild (good on him for that), but ultimately ownership refused to rebuild and led to a longer term pain. Not sure how much of Gillis’s lack of success at the draft table was a result of the scouting staff but years later, he did mention he regretted not making more changes to the amateur scouting department during his tenure.

    The current group of management staff have the potential to be the best overall group of management staff. They are mentored by a 3-time Stanley Cup builder and Hall of Famer in Jim Rutherford; hired a large and diverse team
    of staff with expertise in each field: scouting (both professional and amateur level), contract/salary cap expert, and also have a vision and identity to build a winning team. It’s the most complete group of management staff we have had. They addressed a lot of areas and turned the team around. They are integrating very well into the current era of hockey management and I think we are in good hands.

    However, then current group has only been in charge for the last few seasons and we still have to wait and see how they do over the next few seasons to get a full idea on their full potential. For now, my vote of best GM still goes to Par Quinn. Without Pat Quinn, we may not have a team by mid 1990s.

  9. Pat Quinn.

    The deals and drafts to orchestrate the ’94 team were masterful. While also being President and Head Coach!

    All of these players were acquired via trade:
    McLean, Adams, Lumme, Diduck, Murzyn, Courtnall, Ronning, Momesso, Babych, Whitmore, Craven, Hedican, Brown, Lafayette.

    Claimed Gelinas, Glynn, Hunter, McIntyre on waivers.

    The Bure draft pick was almost criminal but he got away with it.

    Drafted Linden. Made him captain.

    Come to think of it only Odjick, Bure, Linden, Antoski (pick acquired via trade) were actual Canuck draft picks.

    Traded for Naslund.

  10. Fullprice47

    I’m really hoping Patrick Allvin will be the top answer in 5 years! So far, he’s been impressive

  11. SpiralFunZone

    It’s tough because if there was no Quinn there would be no Canucks runs in 94 and even 2011 because he built the Canuck culture. There was nothing successful about this franchise before he got here. People will say Gillis but I would argue it was Burke and Nonis that built that contenders core but it was Gillis that made smart trades and brought in a supporting cast to go with the core. Much like Alvin inherited the core that Benning (puked a little bit) build that is adding a supporting cast that will make this Canucks era a contender again, already has in a way.

    I would have give the best GM to the Irishman.


    Gillis for retaining and icing one of the most
    dominant and competitive iterations of the Canucks that fans have ever seen. B2B presidents trophy’s and a cup final. Like come on now.

    His management group practically invented LTIR exploitation to ice the best roster possible. The sleep science shit worked. Ex players from that era praise it even if at the time they thought it was a bit “out there,” because at least they knew they were being taken care of in all facets.

    If not the most successful on ice product under his tenure, then certainly the most successful off ice. The one knock is that his drafting sucked. But even then, he ended up drafting the team’s future captain lol.

  13. Putrid-Bath-470

    Pat Quinn. While his trades have been pretty shrewd, his drafting history might be the only knock. He had hits with Linden, and Bure, but his misses were pretty bad…Polasek, Herter, Stojanov, Antoski, Cullimore. Woof.

  14. Pat 1 (Quinn), so far.

    But Pat 2 (Allvin) is quickly becoming an easy pick for the top spot as quickly as Mr. Frog trying to eat the bug.

  15. Acceptable-Pool4190

    Pat Quinn. The man who took us out of the wilderness and became every Gen-X Canucks fan’s dad.

  16. Loafman15

    Pat Quinn hands down. Shake the hand of his statue any time im in Van for a game

  17. MaximumOverfart

    Alvin may one day take this, but the answer is Pat Quinn.

  18. FutureDescription2

    Burke is a great choice, however, Quinn saved the franchise. Honestly they both did wonders for the organization.

    Sleeper would be Gillis.

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