@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Aperçu de la saison 2024-25 des Maple Leafs de Toronto et composition de l’effectif

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  1. Just don't pull a Lafferty again and get rid of a guy/s that excels on a team doing what you desperately need. Figure out who fits and keep them.

  2. I would say that the Leafs have a solid chance to go far in the playoffs with the addition of some D but the truth is all the other teams in the East got a lot stronger so I think it's just going to even out and be a rehash of last year.

  3. What about jon gillis?also, so should do a video rewatch of eulogy, see what you got right, wrong, or what you have changed your mind about

  4. See Steve they aren't actually weak on the wings, they are CHOOSING to be weak on the wings.

    If they chose to they could easily put Nylander back on RW and instantly fix the RW

    OR they could if they wanted too they could put Nylander on LW, Domi on RW and that would fix both..

    There is nothing stopping them from running






    They could make wing a strength if they wanted to.

    By moving Nylander to center again they are CHOOSING to make wing a weakness.

    It really isn't

  5. I look forward to watching Steve age through the years as Leafs commit to the same tradition of failing to break out of 1st round. This year will be different and I trust regular season will be amazing just as playoffs.

  6. I have to correct you. You're mispronouncing Lorentz's name. You're saying Lor-entz, like it's spelled. It's pronounced like it's Lawrence. I learned that when I spoke to his parents covering the Canes

  7. I bet timmins and robertson are gone by game 1, I could see timmins going to Pittsburgh for future considerations

  8. Any team that Knies is their best LW that team has ZERO chance to win the cup.
    Be prepared for another first round playoffs exit.

  9. Why not try Matthews the first line center.
    Nylander the second line center.
    Marner the third line center.
    Tavares on the first line wing ?
    If Nylander ao Marner don't play well at center than switch with Tavares.

  10. The problem with Nylander as a centre is that while Matthews and Tavares are there he's left centering the 3rd/4th line which is a waste.

  11. Vancouver OEL wasn't fully healthy. Florida OEL had the whole summer for getting in shape, instead of just rehab, for the first time in a few years.

  12. 'Why was the experiment so short last year?' I donno, maybe because you are the biggest defensive liability in the top 6 and needed babysitters your entire career that trusting you with an important position like 2C wasn't the ideal roster decision a coach should be forced to make. It's not like you wowed everyone when you were given the chance to play there, but since you are now being paid like one, might as well give it another go.

  13. Canadian women call oreos and milk "supper". Hello fresh is healthy food so it is not available in Canada.

  14. Hello fresh, much better than the gambling crap… it really is bad how many gambling ads are getting shoved down our kids' throats….

  15. And so it begins ….repeat season review from like forever. Just play last years. Or the past 4 years before that. Might be more optimistic then further back you go lol
    We all know where this Leafs season will end up ….😮

  16. If you take a step back and look at the situation you have to realize there weren't going to be any significant changes this off season. It's next off season that is going to be fascinating with two of your star players on expiring contracts. You have to understand there are 31 other GM's in the league who have to look out for their own teams, not the benefit of the Leafs.

  17. Niemela is a defenceman I view as very underrated I feel he’s gonna have a great pre season run here.

  18. “That’s ok. Who is he (Chadwick) paired with?…… Conner Timmins. He’s very gone”


    Oh ouch!!!

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