@Flames de Calgary

Sans surprise, Jarome Iginla a été élu meilleur Flame de tous les temps. Maintenant, qui est le PIRE Flame de tous les temps (il faut choisir quelqu’un qui était un joueur de tous les jours) ? Pas de répétition, le commentaire avec le plus de votes gagne.

Sans surprise, Jarome Iginla a été élu meilleur Flame de tous les temps. Maintenant, qui est le PIRE Flame de tous les temps (il faut choisir quelqu’un qui était un joueur de tous les jours) ? Pas de répétition, le commentaire avec le plus de votes gagne.



  1. saskatchewansealskin

    Who is James Neal. Could I get scrubs for 800, Alex?

  2. logan_izer10

    Chris Butler. Still holds the Flames record for worst plus/minus in a game with a minus 7. He was bruuuuutal!

  3. packnation_22

    James Neal was horrible but have people already forgotten Anders Eriksson? Still remember him single handedly blowing up our playoff hopes

  4. SankityDoup

    James Neal is up there. The Troy Brower experience wasn’t great I can recall as well in recent memory

  5. calgaryborn

    If we’re going with hockey skills, it has to be Rocky Thompson

  6. IceHawk1212

    At this point it should very obviously be Dylan dube. He’s the worst kinda player from where I stand.

  7. marchmallow110

    Shoutout to Nicklas Grossman who was so bad he only made it 3 games as a Flame after he signed before the coaching staff realized they were better off playing literally anyone else.

  8. Smiling_Joe

    We all forgetting on how Dennis Wideman cursed us after… the incident?

  9. FarktheHoople

    Hockey skill wise or just being hated? James Neal is too ez

  10. MattFiresideChat

    Anders Ericsson. So bad he cost us two playoff series and didn’t even play the majority of the second season in Calgary.

  11. ReviewyMcReviewface

    Gary Leeman. Traded for Doug Gilmour as part of the worst trade in hockey history, put up 11 goals in two seasons in which he only played 29 and 30 games respectively, then traded to the Habs for Brian Skrudland (who gave us 16 games, and 2 goals). Gilmour played six productive years with the Leafs, then kept going with the Devils, Blackhawks, Sabres and Habs.

  12. Dube. Fuck that guy. (blur his face out if he’s declared the worst)

  13. DaCodster

    Recency bias for sure, but since I started watching the Flames in 2002, James Neal has stood out to me as the absolute worst player who had a top 9 role on this team. His skating was shit, he gave pretty much no effort on the ice cause he was just cashing in a paycheque, and he bitched and moaned about not getting more ice time despite his shit play not justifying any kind of upgrade.

    Sure, guys like David Moss, Ales Kotalik, Chris Butler etc… were worse quality players, but Neal made me angry watching the Flames play for his one-season stint on the team more so than any other Flame.

    Dishonorable mention to Niklas Grossman, The Garbageman, who single-handedly cost us games with his horrible play as a D-man. He played less than 5 games on the team, but they sure were impactful (derogatory).

  14. afrothundah11

    Dube and it’s not even close.

    A waste of our pick

    An embarrassment to our sport

    A tarnish on our country

    A reminder that our sport needs to focus on developing better people

    The rest of the guys mentioned had bad playoff runs, or were brought on past their primes, small potatoes imo.

  15. Nikademis

    Troy Brower was so awful in Calgary. But he spent a good chunk of this time on the 4th line iirc

  16. Specialist-One-712

    Assuming this is on ice:

    James Neal

    Ales Kotalik

    Troy Brouwer

    Brandon Bollig

    Off ice it has to be Dube

  17. Dave Roche. Saw him play live when the Flames visited Buffalo and he was just awful.

    But I also upvoted the Neal, Brouwer picks.

  18. Not a player but Craig Button cursed this franchise for a decade

  19. Appropriate_Shape833

    Jason Weimer. Selected 8th overall. Put up 200 points in 700 games, but 60 of the points were for Calgary. Played for the Flames for 2 tours of duty. The « gritty two-way forward with some upside » trope that dominated Flames scouting decisions from 1990 to 2010 and had them playing terrible hockey.

  20. Trufflehunter89

    Grossman was atrocious lol literally nicknamed garbage man 

  21. myotis_mike

    Maybe not the worst, but I really disliked Todd Bertuzzi and was pissed when the flames signed him.

  22. QueenBean87

    I was gonna say Rico Fata. But he was never an everyday player… by god he will be on this list somewhere.

  23. Hemmsworth

    Dennis Wideman, since James Neal and Hubey are low hanging fruit. The man was brutal, and the Flames were public enemy #1 to refs after his goonery

  24. ToKillAMockingAudi

    It *has* to be James Neal. I’ve been watching this team for almost 3 decades, no other player was paid the way he was and given a high end role only to absolutely dog it from the moment he stepped onto the ice in a Flames jersey. Watching him play made me irrationally angry. Then he bitched about being demoted for being shit and giving zero effort. Started drama in the room. Fought with his teammates.

    A shit player and a shit dude got off with millions of dollars from us. Fuck James Neal. His face is the visual representation of « bum » in the dictionary.

  25. ruzicka63

    I don’t even remember buddies name, the big dude with the beard, right handed defencemen, kind of known for being an enforcer. I believe he was captain for VGK when he was there for a year. Engelland? He was really bad for us the first half of his tenure, but his second half wasnt too bad being paired with TJ brodie on the top pairing… He was bad, but I remember people in here defending him. He had no place playing top line minutes with Brodie lmao

  26. Mennoknight69

    Leeman, Kotalik, Neal, Clarke Wilm, Paul Kruse…I mean there’s been some bums. I would punch Gary Leeman in the face if I had a chance.

  27. You can tell most ppl in this thread are young. Tent Yawney off the top of my head.

  28. bbblllaaaiirrr

    James Neal-Dustin Boyd-Tory Brouwer

    Anders Eriksson-Chris Butler

    Leland Irving

    I feel like that’s a pretty good bad starting line-up

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