@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les joueurs devraient-ils commencer à porter des écrans faciaux ?

Je sais que cette blessure est survenue il y a des années, mais j’y pense encore souvent. Le coup de bâton que Pronger a reçu dans l’œil ne lui a pas seulement causé une commotion cérébrale, il n’a pas seulement ruiné sa carrière, il lui a causé de graves douleurs quotidiennes et l’a plongé dans une profonde dépression. Toute lumière qui frappait son œil le faisait souffrir de façon atroce. Si les joueurs portaient des visières comme le font les enfants qui jouent au hockey, cela ne serait jamais arrivé.

Je ne vois pas pourquoi la ligue ne met pas cela en œuvre. Est-ce trop laxiste pour eux ? Ont-ils peur que les gens pensent que les joueurs de hockey sont des lâches parce qu’ils protègent leur visage ? Les joueurs de football le pensent. Ils ne sont pas des lâches.

Le gardien qui a fabriqué le premier masque de gardien a été mis sur le banc pour cela. J’adore le hockey, mais toute cette histoire de dur à cuire est tout simplement stupide. En repensant à l’époque des anciens gardiens de but, on pense qu’ils étaient fous de se mettre devant le filet sans masque. Pourquoi cette idéologie n’a-t-elle pas été transférée aux joueurs que nous aimons tant ?

Tous les joueurs doivent porter un protège-cou et un écran facial. Il n’y a absolument aucune raison pour que ce genre de blessures insignifiantes se produisent encore dans le jeu.

Faites-moi savoir ce que vous en pensez.



  1. Cultural_Reality6443

    The wildest part to me is not that players don’t do it it’s that they literally can’t. A full face shield/cage is against the rules in the NHL.

  2. imaybeacatIRl

    I think every player wears a half shield now?

  3. krazyellinas23

    I often think of Bryan Berard when it comes to eye injuries in the NHL

  4. shmoove_cwiminal

    Since 2013, new players have to wear visors. They’re not optional. Only like 6 guys left who are still around who don’t have to. Most will be gone in a couple years. Full face is overkill. Let it go.

  5. Monument170

    He didn’t have a visor. Unless you came into the league after 2005? 2006. Heck McTavish didn’t wear a helmet into the 90’s. He was still grandfathered in under the helmet less days

  6. There’s like three players who don’t wear face shields, what a stupid post

  7. simplydan24

    Amazing I came across this post after seeing Zegras got hit in the face with a puck today

  8. JumboBlunt

    bro what are you talking about. 99% of the league wears visors and the guys who don’t will be retired soon

  9. Commandant1

    Face shields were mandated several years ago. They were grandfathered in (players who didn’t wear them and were already in the league don’t have to put them on) but there is only like 5-6 players left now.

  10. Thing to remember is that under 18 it’s required for a full shield, now as for the adult leagues, their doing the visor via grandfathering in them, and I think they’re going to do full one day…..

  11. LionBig1760

    You can always tell the people who have never played a competitive hockey game without a mask.

    The amount of elbows, hands, and sticks that you don’t get to the head is amazing. When you’re surrounded by other players on the ice that also understand how things work and what they’re doing, there’s incentive to actually pay attention to keeping elbows down and your stick from flying all over the place.

    The NHL isn’t like your men’s league when you get a stick blade across your cage 5 times a night from weekend warriors losing their balance near you.

  12. Internal_Ad_487

    Even if they did bring it in it likely would be like when helmets became mandatory – existing nhl players were grandfathered and only new players weee required to wear them. Personally, I’d like to see them mandatory so they could get rid of the stupid high sticking rule that is administered very badly.

  13. TheWeisGuy

    It would be bad for fighting unless they get rid of the no taking your helmet off rule. Most players support fighting so idk if I’d want the league to go against their wishes

  14. moonwalgger

    When you say “face shields” are you referring to Visors or the actual full cage/shield? Because Visors have already been grandfathered in and made mandatory. There only less than a dozen players in the league still not wearing them. Jamie Benn, Ryan Reeves, Ryan O’Reilly, and a few others.

  15. navygamer

    There is a workaround for players that want to do it. They just need a doctor’s order for it.

  16. mommamiadiarrhea

    I think full face shields will definitely be here someday. It’s inevitable.

  17. I think so. Even if it’s totally optional it should exist. The fact there is a penalty that’s severity is directly linked to how hard you hit someone in the face is such a joke. You shouldn’t be able to hit someone in the face with your stick period, because the league should allow players the option to protect themselves.

    Or like with half visors in the first place, they should be just mandatory and grandfathered in. Do you like your favourite players missing games because something broke their face or they were hit in the eye? I don’t. I would have much rather Connor Bedard actually played a full season last year because putting his face into Smiths shoulder didn’t break his jaw due to wearing a chin guard.

    Looking better for the cameras doesn’t warrant needless injury and I hope the success of the PWHL might possibly convince the NHL that it’s cool to use full masks on the norm even if it most definitely won’t.

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