
Wild Wing a un nouveau look et c’est un peu… dérangeant.

Wild Wing a un nouveau look et c’est un peu… dérangeant.



  1. BigRig432

    Idk why but the goalie pads make me uncomfortable

  2. CornetNolan

    Well someone needs to step up to Gritty, or at least die trying

  3. MoldyCumSock

    That second photo will traumatize some kids lol

  4. Scavenger908

    Someone tell the Ducks just because you changed your logo DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD CHANGE YOUR MASCOT!

  5. Mr_Heavyfoot_

    It looks like that episode of Duck Tales where the boys accidentally got into Launch Pad’s dope stash.

  6. Seventy7Donski

    Why goalie pads? Is he self conscious of his legs? I’m liking the orange eyes though very unsettling

  7. CabbageStockExchange

    I feel like he’s ask me what’s the most I ever lost on a coin toss

  8. sprdougherty

    Man’s out here looking like the Dark Urge.

  9. It’s literally just Wild Wing but with orange eyes? How do y’all freak out over this but bow down to Gritty the second his creepy ass showed up lol

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