@Sabres de Buffalo

Thomas Vanek des Buffalo Sabres passe entre les jambes pour marquer un but

Les Sabres de Buffalo enchaînent de belles passes alors que Thomas Vanek marque entre ses jambes pour conclure le match.


  1. I've seen better quality video from the 70's. That was an amazing passing game though.

  2. Tomas Hertl's goal shits all over this. There is no comparison. The sabres need to trade vanek and miller…they both dont wanna be on this team. They still have great game left, need to be on a team and feel energized.

  3. Impressive. Although it'd be more impressive if it was his 4th goal of the game in only his third NHL game ever.

  4. I hate this announcer when the sabers score he is like SSSSSSSSCCCCCCCOOOOOOORRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS and when the other team scores he's like scores Jack Edwards is way better then he will ever be

  5. Trade Miller…? No one fucking wants miller, he's an asshole. Hence my half the teams who could use him, don't.

  6. 1. Vanek is better than Hertl. The kid had one good night against an apparently shitty rangers team and now he's like the great one or something… SIKE. 2. Vanek's between the legs > Hertl's goal. How many times have we seen Hertl's goal, like 1,000. Not many times have I seen a one-timer between the legs.

  7. The commentator sounded like he chocked when he realized Vanek went through his legs to put the puck in… Then he didn't even acknoledge it. Some of these old time hockey analysts are so uptight about the new moves hockey players are doing. smh.

  8. i meannnnnn vanek looked alottttt harder…..of a deflection only reason it doesnt get buzz cause its buffalo

  9. You don't even know what you're talking about, I can't believe you are comparing a rookie to Thomas Vanek. Nobody knew who Hertl was until he had one good game (His only good game I must add) get your facts together

  10. Is it just me or did I not hear Rick jeanneret?


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