@Capitals de Washington

J’ai reçu une carte signée Kelly Miller via TTM aujourd’hui

Je ne connais pas très bien l’histoire du hockey, mais Kelly Miller était-elle un joueur important/influent dans l’histoire de l’équipe/de la ligue ?



  1. doctorake38

    Kelly had a commercial in the early 90s for some sort of car dealership on the local TV. It started with « Shot and a GOAL! Kelly Miller » and then had him talking about a dealer.

    Not an amazing player but he had two other brothers who played in the NHL and his cousin is Ryan Miller who was a legit top 5 goaltender in his days. Ryan won silver in the Olympics for USA.

  2. As I recall he was an excellent player. A valuable part of the teams when the Caps were transitioning from a bad team to a good one. A good assist man, more of a grinder than a flashy player.

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