@Flames de Calgary

Martin St.Louis a remporté le prix du potentiel le plus gaspillé. Qui est le meilleur défenseur des Flames de tous les temps ? Comme toujours, pas de réponses répétées et le commentaire le plus voté l’emporte

Désolé pour le retard sur celui-ci, je travaillais aujourd’hui et j’avais oublié. Mais je ne pense pas qu’il y aura beaucoup de débats sur ce sujet.



  1. LukasRadebe

    Al MacInnes is the only acceptable answer here

  2. MacInnis wins this one but HM to Giordano (yeah I think he was better than Suter).

  3. mountnbkr

    Al MacInnis with honourable mentions for Gio and Regehr…

  4. ReviewyMcReviewface

    If Pekka Rautakallio had stuck around longer…

  5. tendygoods

    It’s regehr. Macinnis was sick. You don’t get points for being the best shut down guy in the nhl for a decade

  6. I can’t wait till the best goalie one tomorrow!

  7. LadyBlackheart1102

    How can you leave out Paul Reinhart, Jamie Macoun and T. J. Brodie? 😠

  8. OnlyHereForMemes69

    Gotta be Al MacInnis, although I feel Tanev’s defense never was appreciated, Hanafin was able to be an amazing scoring blueliner cause Tanev could hold the D zone down by himself.

  9. Hemmsworth

    Hmmm, now I’m thinking repeats should have been allowed. Al MacInnis deserves this, but also Best Shot. Someone lesser will take one of those two categories due to no repeats.

    So if I have to vote, Giordano, so Al can have Best Shot

  10. Hopeful_Bass5125

    Best defender or best defensemen? Very different answers.

  11. Appropriate_Shape833

    Calgary has had a lot of great defencemen: MacInnes, Suter, Giordano. But the best defender of all time for the Flames is Brad McCrimmon. Top 10 plus/minus rating all time in the NHL. Without him, Calgary doesn’t win the Cup in 89. RIP to one of the greatest defencemen of all time.

  12. CaptinDerpI

    Macinnis, with a huge honourable mention to Giordano

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