@Ligue nationale de hockey

Deslauriers aplatit Engstrom

Deslauriers aplatit Engstrom



  1. SurePrize6218

    1st shift of preseason time to take someone’s head off

  2. IceCreamLover124

    2 min boarding penalty at worst. Wasn’t really that bad, he popped right back up too. In a preseason game i dont mind that call at all though.

  3. brasseur10

    I’m surprised Deslauriers didn’t accept the invitation to dance.

  4. JiveChicken00

    Looks like Nic is already in midseason form.

  5. Rand_University81

    Of course this sub is crying about a beauty hit.

  6. evil_burrito

    I am not a fan of that hit.

    I don’t always like « hard hit = fight » but I think it was justified in this case.

    Except there wasn’t really a fight.

  7. Low_Laugh6550

    Hit was borderline, wasn’t as bad as some are making it out to be IMO, boy do I miss dlo in Anaheim. And for anyone saying he turtles or was afraid to answer the bell you clearly don’t know him lol, he was showing mercy to the kid who was doing the right thing.

  8. DigRepresentative42O

    Lots of crying on this sub for a hard hit. If this was regular season nobody would even bat an eye, gotta keep your head on a swivel.

  9. JacksonHoled

    why didnt Condotta punched him. Even if it would have been a sucker punch I wouldnt mind since Deslauriers hit from behind.

  10. Accomplished-Pay8181

    Pretty borderline hit to me. I’m leaning towards it being scummy by merit of this is a preseason game. Not quite shoulder to shoulder, but he rotated slightly which stopped it from being shoulder on shoulder. Bigger issue to me is the force being enough to get him to the boards without sliding, at that distance. This should have been boarding, not sure if it was called tho. I didn’t watch the game. If DOPS wants to send a message, this gets a suspension for symbolic purposes moreso than this warranting a suspension, but given all the crap they’ve let go over the last couple years i doubt it.

  11. jasonkash

    We call that blue colla hockey where I’m from

  12. I don’t really mind the angle that the hit came from, especially since it wasn’t close to the boards. My issue is that follow through of just the elbow and hand, to me that shows that he meant to throw him away and into the boards, not hit him off the puck

  13. Marginal. Condotta doing the needful. Context matters, and blowing people up in preseason is poor form unless there was something preceding this.

  14. Engstrom put himself in a very vulnerable position. He looked like he was about to turn up ice but paused with his head down. Deslauriers doing what he does best to make the team and declined to cave in the rookie’s head. He’s typically a goon but showed his class with this move.

  15. Bhut_Jolokia400

    Deslauriers Sergeant-At-Arms will lead the league in fights this yr

  16. Skellephant

    Ah jeez. Its so nice to have hockey back. Its first week of preseason and r/nhl is already having a « it was boarding » vs « clean hit » argument. Missed you idiots.

  17. I saw Deslauriers fight Marcus Petersson after Nic put a big hit on another Penguin. Petersson is not a fighter, he was sticking up for his teammate. Nic was obviously very merciful in that fight. I respect Nic for that.

  18. Hydrorecreation

    That’s how Taylor Feduns career ended (former oiler defender) 😔

  19. Purple_Map_507

    This is bullshit! I demand my hockey broadcast be in French!

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