@Blues de Saint-Louis

Le premier but de l’Utah était CONTRE LUI-MÊME

Dans un moment inoubliable, le club de hockey de l’Utah a marqué son tout premier but, malheureusement dans son propre filet. Lors d’un match préparatoire de la LNH contre les Blues de St. Louis, un coup de chance a permis à l’Utah de marquer contre lui-même, offrant aux Blues une avance de deux buts. Malgré cette erreur embarrassante, le moment est devenu viral, et même les Blues ont trollé la nouvelle équipe sur les réseaux sociaux pour l’incident. Bien que ce moment ne comptera pas dans les livres de records, il a certainement laissé une trace chez les fans et la nouvelle équipe de la LNH.


  1. Honestly, it's one of the wildest things I've seen in sports. When has a professional franchise ever that before? 😂

  2. Funny the big deal that’s been made about a preseason game. If you are going to talk only about an own goal might want to mention that they gave them a good but still won in dominant fashion

  3. I wish these announcers would learn the rules of hockey, because any goals scored in pre season, aka,practice,do not count in the team's history.Only actual regular season and playoff goals count in the history of a team.

  4. Those Utah jerseys along with that logo make them look like a rural peewee team… Actually nevermind, that's insulting to peewee hockey, some small town jerseys go hard.
    At least the color scheme is pretty good.

  5. Joke of a franchise. Can't even come up with a name or uniform to start the season. 🤦🏻

  6. What focus group of drooling idiots thought that baby blue was a good color for any team to wear that doesn't want to look like a JV powderpuff team? How could Utah have spent so much money on getting a professional designer to pick out such hideous colors, let alone the incredibly unimaginative, uninspired jersey that looks like a default jersey that EA made the interns design for a Create a Team mode they knew no one would play.

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