@Maple Leafs de Toronto

L’interdiction de la musique par Berube contribuera-t-elle réellement à améliorer la culture des Maple Leafs ?

Craig Button, directeur du dépistage de TSN, et Bryan Hayes, animateur d’OverDrive, se joignent à That’s Hockey de Domino’s pour discuter de la question de savoir si l’interdiction de la musique par Craig Berube a quelque chose à voir avec la réparation de la culture des Leafs, et pourquoi ce genre de sujet ne semble apparaître qu’à Toronto.


  1. Actually, this is EXACTLY the problem. The lunatics were running the asylum. Practice is work. Do your damn jobs and listen to music on your own damn time. The Leafs aren't paying these jokers to set playlists for practice. Maybe now they'll have all their attention on the task at hand as opposed to what's playing on the loudspeakers… which will contribute to a game 7 result.

  2. I cannot believe tsn has stooped to the lvl of putting bryan fckin hayze on for this shit….the guys a bad radio host at that lmao…only reason he's there is cause leafs fan flood to sports radio

  3. If playing music at your practices is an issue with your professional level hockey team…you have far bigger problems with your personnel than playing music in practice…you shouldn't have to treat your players like high school kids and if you do….well gl, you are screwed.

  4. For Leafs practice suggest an upgrade to a 36 piece live orchestra complete with a maestro…Leafs would appreciate a stringed instrument sound.

  5. The leafs need men leading the team. So yes no music dancing or hand holding while they skate around

  6. Stupid. Signs of needing to assert control. Sean Avery said the major difference between being on the Red Wings with Scotty Bowman (who knows a thing or two about winning) and John Torterella was Bowman's hands off approach to micro-managing the locker room and letting players govern themselves. No surprise that Babcock also did (certified control freak). I do think the Leafs needed a coach who can hold players accountable better than Keefe but c'mon lol

  7. Craig – "Much Ado about Nothing" is the theme of every TSN Youtube video..non-stop BS..no surprise that Hayes defends the BS..he just does not get it.

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