@Canadiens de Montréal

Lane Hutson est le nouveau Subban amélioré

Vidéo de @guindon1026 sur TikTok



  1. After he fakes and goes around the first Flyers player, he fakes him again to gain distance. Then at their blue line, he baits two Flyers away for crispy pass that leads to a clean shot.

    God damn

  2. nottakingpart

    Nah, he needs to level an unsuspecting Brad Marchand before I celebrate a new Subban.

  3. Stop comparing the two. Hutson is his own man.

  4. Patient_Fan_1993

    I love Hutson but let’s wait until he wins a Norris for the ‘improved’ Subban comments

  5. MrawzbaoZedong

    Aside from being offensive defensemen, I don’t think Subban and Hutson could be more different. Subban was a bull, Hutson is a knife.

  6. His game is so much different than pk in every-way other than they enter the zone. I wish pk had a coach like msl who lets players make reads. Im so damn excited.

  7. Specialist-Ad-9371

    PK would have done the sequence a whole second faster most likely as athletically there is no comp between Hutson and PK, I don’t know who started that comparison but other than them both being offensively minded, there is nothing else similar to their game at all.

  8. Well, he sure is active, and likes to be even as the leading forward

    Let’s hope they keep someone like Savard as his pair, he clearly needs someone to back him up.

  9. I’m obviously excited about Hutson, but his lack of strength and speed still worries me.

  10. Frites_Sauce_Fromage

    Let Hutson be Hutson.

    He has a flamboyant and offensive style and we’re on the edge of our seats watching him as it was the case with Subban, but he plays a very different game in a different system at a different time…

    It looks to me that he’s impressive to other hockey players by his uniqueness and creativity, and we’ll have to celebrate that to show him respect

  11. maximalx5

    Can we stop disrespecting Subban to prop up Hutson?

    Hutson looks great, but Subban is the most electrifying defenseman I’ve seen wear a Habs jersey, while also bringing a physical aspect that Hutson never will. Subban also has the misfortune of having to deal with some of the shittiest most braindead coaches I’ve ever seen behind Montreal’s bench.

  12. I hate overhyping prospects, but I really feel that « improved » is correct lol

  13. **Subban**:

    * Norris Trophy Winner
    * Two-time Norris Finalist
    * Two-time First Team All-Star
    * One Second Team All-Star
    * All-Rookie Team

    Improved? I doubt it.

  14. 4BobbyOrr

    like subban if he was skating half speed maybe

  15. ThatsExactlyIt

    Hutson is his own player. I was a big Subban fan when he played, but these 2 are totally different players.

  16. amm0ranth

    pk won a norris can u guys calm the fuck down a bit

  17. bloodrider1914

    Hutson doesn’t quite have the same pure anger level of PK. He’s is own thing.

  18. hockeynoticehockey

    I knew he was good, I read the same hype as everyone, and I also know it was « just » a preseason game, but I have very rarely seen a rookie be so dominant in a game, seemingly on every single shift.

    I loved watching him and the team last night.

  19. JediMasterZao

    I don’t know man, Subban had a physical aspect to his game that Hutson could never dream to have, and Subban had a clapper for the ages, which I’ve not seen Hutson display at all in the last couple of years.

    I think they’re going to be very different kinds of Ds.

  20. ParkInsider

    Who else does this? I haven’t watched Hughes and Makar much, but creating grade-A scoring chances out of thin air is something I only see McDavid do regularly. Sounds silly to say something like this but it’s my honest impression.

  21. Deadmanlex45

    He didn’t even hesitate a second to blind pass it to the other end after he entered the zone.

    He knew in advance that someone would be there to pick it up.

    He has eyes all around his head.

  22. Edward_L_Norton

    Subban always had a puck turnover cloud over him…Hutson does not look like this will be a problem?

  23. PhilParent

    I wish I could hear the crowd instead of the song but… yeah, great rush.

  24. ApokatastasisPanton

    With Lane Hutson, what I’m expecting is that he’s going to sometimes look not great in exchange for him making opposite teams look like complete idiots many, many times.

  25. Late_Employee2871

    Hutson is highly skilled, looks a lot like Quinn hughes more so than subban

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