@Canucks de Vancouver

Logo du Centre des glaces des Canucks

Quel choix de design étrange. C’est peut-être juste moi ? Le fond sombre ne fait pas vraiment ressortir le logo.

Je suis sûr que je m’y habituerai. Qu’en pensez-vous ?



  1. Spatrico123

    ooh yeah. At first glance i liked it, but now I’m looking at it the white/dark contrast is a little weird

  2. sokkas_intuition

    Yeah not a huge fan of it, but it really doesn’t matter that much so whatever 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  3. hannah_nj

    i think it looks good; the fact that the circle is full is pleasing to my brain

  4. CamaroGirl96

    I personally like it. Like that the whale is bigger looks more menacing. But that’s just my opinion I think people are pretty split on it.

  5. I like the design, but yea it’s a bit dark and doesn’t really ‘pop’ like it should…

  6. ProbablyBannedOnMain

    Don’t have strong feelings either way. I’ll watch the puck.

  7. BigCockBrockBoeser

    Hopefully for the next few years it slowly gets darker and morphs into the skate logo

  8. Artistic_Bag_7172

    The Vancouver Canucks marketing team misses the mark yet again.

  9. I like it, except for the redline treatment.  A lot of teams seem to have gone with that look.  I don’t think it makes it any better than just having the solid redline all the way.

  10. avocadado

    I didn’t like it at first but seeing it in the game rn it’s not that bad

  11. saucytopcheddar

    Our colours are blue/green/white and our alternate colours are red/yellow/black… the colour scheme of our centre ice logo makes no sense.

  12. CapnPositivity

    I wish it was more vivid. Maybe make it black instead of blue so it stands out more under the ice. Dunno. I like it behind bigger though

  13. SchmidtHitsTheFan

    It doesn’t look properly centred and my brain absolutely hates that.

  14. Edmonton_Canuck

    I get that they wanted to put a background behind the orca because they switched to the white home orca, but I feel it would look good the way the old centre ice logo was, even with the colour change.

    I also feel they missed an opportunity to have a fan vote for a new centre ice design.

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