@Stars de Dallas


J’ai trouvé un deuxième exemplaire dans ma friperie. Je veux me mettre dans l’ambiance pour notre prochaine saison.

Dites-moi qui est votre joueur préféré et je choisirai un gagnant dimanche à 17 heures, heure centrale, pour un cadeau.

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  1. blaykmagyk

    Matt Murray has always been a favorite of mine in the NHL and AHL. Watching him play with both the Texas and Dallas stars was always a good game.

    Edit: Followed you on Instagram!

  2. bigpirate15

    current Otter

    all time ? Antoine roussel for me. I have always been a stars fan and when I was working in a dealership during high school, he was doing some promotion for it and at the time i had a black 47 Dallas stars hat and a bunch of stars stickers on my hydro flask and he came up to me, and asked how long I had been a fan and who was my favorite player (at the time a toss up between TS, Patrick sharp or Klinger) he asked if i wanted a autograph and tickets for a game (because they were giving them out to the public because of the stars promotion) got my jersey signed and the game that i got tickets for was the game he scored a Hattrick against the Lightning

    I still have the ticket stubbs and use them as a bookmark. Ill update my post with pictures of them plus the autographed jersey. when I get home from work

    [AR#21 Hatty game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wsK2L1HLSU)

  3. Friendly-Pressure478

    Marty Turco. Great goalie even greater personality!

  4. hleach4

    Johnston is probably my favorite at the moment. Such a stud

  5. headonthedoor

    Stanky – he’s my little badger! Don’t mess with him!

  6. JimPanse5

    Jamie Benn!!

    (you would need to ship it to Germany though 👀)

  7. Jamie Langenbrunner. Dude had a crazy motor and went nuts in the ’99 Playoffs. I was sad when he was included in the Nieuwendyk trade to NJ.

  8. Billy-McBobby

    Currently, Probably Otter, one of my favorite goalies we’ve had since Eddie.

  9. Guy Carbonneau. His tenure was short for sure, but I love the connection to the Habs, and he’s just such a deeply respected hockey mind.

    As a runner up, Joe Nieuwendyk. I’m a Calgary kid, so the connection is obvious, aside from the outsized role he had on the cup team.

    Also, why don’t I gravitate to players with easier names?

  10. Maybe all time, Jere Lehtinen.

    Right now… hmm. Wyatt.

    But I can’t follow you as I don’t have Instagram which may be disqualifying.

  11. Funfettiforever

    Jason Robertson was my initial favorite but Wyatt Johnston and Miro Heiskanen are up there!

  12. PrivanWayward

    Jere Lehtinen Baby! Just a steady hand on the rudder making sure nothing bad happened, always in the right place. Honorable mention to Steve Ott the original 🦦!

  13. zaptorque

    Roope Hintz! Been following him back when I lived in Austin in his time with the Texas Stars!

  14. FranksOnAPlane

    Current, Otter and Robo…… All time, Modano and Belfour

  15. SassySorciere

    Current: Gotdamnit I’m gonna name like half the team
    Past: Modano, Belfour, our house elf Dobby, and still hurts to say it, Pavs.

  16. claudial12

    Of all time? Mo for sure. Currently loving so many, but Wyatt is probably my favorite.

  17. Current favorite: Stankoven
    All time favorite: Trevor Daley

  18. hockeyjim07

    Current, Miro

    All time. **Brenden Morrow**. I never liked how we dropped him, but man as a kid growing up he was my favorite star. Met him in person multiple times and he was a great inspiration for a young hockey player to look up to each time i met him.

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