@Panthers de la Floride

Jason Purrhees ne sort généralement pas avant le début de la saison régulière… mais il sortira toujours pour dire FUCK TAMPA

Jason Purrhees ne sort généralement pas avant le début de la saison régulière… mais il sortira toujours pour dire FUCK TAMPA



  1. ForgotHowToGiveAShit

    I have a notepad list of JP posts for each team. hope yall are ready for another year of low quality photoshops

  2. brechbillc1

    I know Tampa is our cross state rival but does anyone else kind of feel like the rivalry is more or less a friendly one with them? Like, I hate Boston, Toronto and Carolina way more than I hate the Lightning. With the Lightning, they’re another Florida team trying to make the sport work in a non traditional market and are succeeding quite well at it. Meanwhile, I find myself constantly hoping that both the fans and players for the Bruins, Leafs and Hurricanes walk into a room of legos barefoot every day.

    Good to see Mr. Purrhees back in action. I’ve missed him.

  3. No_Cardiologist_5117

    I missed JP

    I’m so fucking pumped now let’s GOOO

  4. finsfanscott

    I have never seen a fight in a preseason hockey game till last years’ Bolts/Cats game! Live in Orlando now, so going tonight for sure!

  5. Important-Sugar1278

    Yeah longtime panthers fan new time reddit lol

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