@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Disponibilité médiatique de Linus Ullmark, Tyler Kleven, Ridly Greig et Travis Green – 25 septembre

Écoutez le gardien de but Linus Ullmark, le défenseur Tyler Kleven, l’attaquant Ridly Greig et l’entraîneur-chef Travis Green après les entraînements des Sénateurs au Centre Canadian Tire. 0:00 Linus Ullmark 5:12 Tyler Kleven 10:09 Ridly Greig 12:49 Travis Green


  1. Ullmark will help with being vocal with the players. He will hold them accountable too. That itself will help improve defence hopefully

  2. It's because reporters ask stupid questions or asking something that is really not important.

  3. He was probably still mad at the slap shot empty neter. 🤣🤣🤣 Nice to see you got to the leafs head. You have officially rented a spot in the maple leafs brains.

  4. He has no patience for common sense questions or just asking really stupid questions. I don't have an issue with his response to the questions.

  5. Linus is king. One of the greatest senator of all time before he plays a game.
    Hope Greig is no worse for wear.

  6. We've been fans of a Mickey mouse organization for the majority of modern existence. Now we have owners who have spending money & I'm exited about the new ownership. 👍👍👍

  7. He doesn't seemed dialed in. Sorry but I'm not convinced he wants to remain in Ottawa… hope I'm wrong!

  8. As a goalie I can tell you that it’s easier to play when you call for a guy to watch the short side and they get there.
    Some guys are too concentrated of the puck and the play.

  9. Bruce and Claire need to ease off until after Linus signs. They're gonna make him want to go to free agency,

  10. I always try to watch these videos at the start of the season but then promptly stop because of the questions they ask sometimes just to get a quote. It'd be better if they just asked the obvious good questions then some funny ones and be on their way.

  11. Andlauer is doing an amazing job for our Sens and City. If he manages to run Bruce out of town give him the keys to the city.

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