@Lightning de Tampa Bay

GDT de pré-saison : Tampa Bay Lightning contre Florida Panthers (25/09/24) Édition Orlando

Il est temps de faire ce truc de hockey !!! Mettez vos casquettes et vos maillots car c’est le jour du match éclair. Souvenez-vous de ce que dit toujours votre grand-mère : si vous n’avez rien de gentil à dire, alors ne dites rien du tout

Arène : Kia Center (Orlando)

Heure : 19h00

Lien: https://www.nhl.com/lightning/video/tampa-bay-lightning-live-stream-6336965284112

Le lien peut être géo-restreint par la LNH



  1. Specific_Ad_4128

    The nhl will always be a joke for geo restricting a fucking preseason game lmao

  2. Specific_Ad_4128

    I’m literally in Orlando and the game is marked geo restricted lol

  3. hi_i_am_J

    im not the only one with this feedback right?

  4. Hockeygoalie41

    For as big as he is, Johansson has both a lot of pucks go through him and go over/around him.

  5. Ok_Shine_5907

    JoJo is in midseason form already

  6. Big_ole_mudpie

    I don’t think Lilleberg is making the team

  7. brokkrforge

    Nice assist from Geekie on that goal

  8. Rogue_LeI3eau

    Like… I love you Jojo but what the hell are ya doin???

  9. GizmoDelToro

    You wouldn’t think that JoJo is a bonafide NHL goalie with tonight’s game. No idea what’s going on with him tonight.

  10. likeslululemon

    I recognize 7 names. Am I… out of touch?

  11. Personinu

    Jojo is getting rekt by a fucking AHL team.

  12. Beauty_Weeman

    Cannot belive I went to the game last night and had to see that snoozer and then this wild ass game is happening now

  13. Cakeygoodness666_

    Im here and lord this 3rd period has been chaos

  14. dave-tay

    Cant believe we won with 2 seconds left

  15. doineedsunscreen

    welp appleby will never smell the big league again

  16. BoltsBroadwayBrett

    That was about the worst period of goaltending I’ve ever seen, but it was all in a pretty funny way, and we won in hilarious fashion, so I’m not complaining. That was bananas!

  17. DoinWhale

    I’ve seen enough. Geekie is the greatest hockey player of all time

  18. shayna16

    Round of applause to Darren Fuckin Raddysh 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  19. brokkrforge

    First time I’ve watched geekie and I am impressed, nice shorty and way to drive the fucking puck to win it! We need that aggressive attack and shoot.

    We going to Applebee’s tonight!

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