@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Kevin Kurz] J’ai entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles Alexei Kolosov pourrait être en route pour Philadelphie. Restez à l’écoute

[Kevin Kurz] J’ai entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles Alexei Kolosov pourrait être en route pour Philadelphie. Restez à l’écoute



  1. StubbornLeech07

    So he finally realized that Minsk wasn’t going to break the NHL-KHL agreement like SKA did and the Flyers weren’t going to loan him so his only option to play is to show up in North America.

  2. zanothium

    Torts pulls a Coach Carter and pulls out the list. « You owe me 1000 suicides, 500 push ups, and 1000 situps if you want to be on this team. Oh and you owe them by Monday »

  3. unrealjoe32

    What Matevi Michkov does to a mfer (I am not sober and in Europe rn I’m not liable for my falsehoods)

  4. bigcracker

    We signed Eetu and that mofo on a plane in under 24 hrs lmfao.

  5. zanothium

    I wonder how the guys in the locker room are going to treat a guy who skipped almost all of camp and wasn’t honoring his contract.

  6. Wekilledit88

    I’m not even mad, man. Just come here and give it your all. He’s easily one of my favorite prospects and I’m not gonna let a little bullshit get in the way of my hype for a possible fun and stud goalie that this team desperately needs. If he comes here and plays his ass off? That’s all we ask for as a Philadelphia fan base.

  7. vinny8244

    If he’s smart he will hang around until at least thanksgiving. There’s a very good chance our two unproven goaltenders slip up and he gets a real NHL shot. Flyers have also carried 3 NHL goalies in the past so I wouldn’t put it past them. Although they might have a difficult decision to make if they want to keep Luchenko up and not go over the roster limit.

  8. Fun-Analyst-4398

    We’re going to need him Peterson blows

  9. I hope that having Michkov, Fedotov, and Zamula around as well as a few Russian-speaking coaches and staffers will help him feel more at home.

  10. AC_Lerock

    very curious where the dog house is on the depth chart

  11. StayJazzyFriends

    Hopefully they got him an interpreter or at least someone who speaks his language this time around.

  12. ryanlikeanantelope

    Maybe matvei called him and told him how great it is and they can be the next Russian machine a la the caps the last 17 years

  13. Perryplat199

    Why is it that I’m always sleeping g during the big new

  14. While I know the chances of hitting on more than a couple is slim, it’s kind of unreal that we’re throwing around the names of five or six goaltenders who could play for us at the NHL level.

  15. Own_Result3651

    I’m sure he’s gonna be a fan favorite in the lock room lol. No one’s gonna look at him funny

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